Starpoint Arena - SP_Figures.ini

All computer figures in the game can be specified in the Figure-initialization file (SP_Figures.ini).

It contains the figure properties. The file structure (Lines containing --- or === should be structured as in example below)!

Figure Properties:

The figure properties are under a line "--Props--". Properties can be omitted if the default value should be used. The first property must be the figures class name.


This part is ignored yet!

Permanent Items

This part is ignored yet!

Example file snippet for one figure:

Figure, className
Dummy, name
150, initialEnergy
250, maxEnergy
true, hasImage
false, drawNumber
gray, innerColor
darkgray, outerColor
enemy0, imageName
true, isRocketTarget
0, speed
40, ramPower
500, pointBonus
true, isAffectedByBlack
true, isAffectedByGray
--Permanent Items--