Class PainterBlasterTank

  • public class PainterBlasterTank
    extends PainterFigure
    Painter for ChaosDuck.
    • Constructor Detail

      • PainterBlasterTank

        public PainterBlasterTank​(PainterFactory painterFactory)
        Creates a BlasterTank.
        painterFactory - The Painter factory.
    • Method Detail

      • paintOverlay

        public void paintOverlay​(Graphics g,
                                 ThingState t,
                                 GameState state,
                                 int xCenter,
                                 int yCenter,
                                 int repaintCounter)
        Repaint the figure on the graphics.
        paintOverlay in class PainterFigure
        g - The graphics to paint on
        t - The ThingState.
        state - The GameState.
        xCenter - The xcenter coordinate on the screen
        yCenter - The ycenter coordinate on the screen
        repaintCounter - The repaint Counter.