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ABSMAXENERGY - Static variable in class com.starpoints.game.Figure
Absolute energy maximum. 1000.
AbstractLevel - Class in com.starpoints.game
AbstractLevel() - Constructor for class com.starpoints.game.AbstractLevel
AbstractLevelInfo - Class in com.starpoints.game
Abstract info class for levels shops and flash animations.
AbstractLevelInfo() - Constructor for class com.starpoints.game.AbstractLevelInfo
AbstractReader - Class in com.starpoints.io
Abstract superclass for property readers
AbstractReader() - Constructor for class com.starpoints.io.AbstractReader
activate(int) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemSecretLevel
Activates this ItemSecretLevel for the given number of rounds.
active - com.starpoints.game.item.BombState
Flag, if mine is active on the field.
active - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemRocket
State of the rocket (ACTIVE/INACTIVE)
active - Variable in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterMenu
Flag, if explicitely made acitve.
activeCount - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemCleverRocket
Counter for the number of active rounds.
ACTIVITY_DURATION - Static variable in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemSecretLevel
Number of rounds the item is active.
add - Variable in class com.starpoints.painter.arena2D.PainterItemSatellite
Add value for circle.
addAdditionalAnimation(Object, Animation) - Method in class com.starpoints.animation.AnimationInfo
Adds an additional Animation
addAdditionalAnimation(Object, Animation) - Method in class com.starpoints.animation.EmptyAnimationInfo
Does nothing.
addAdditionalEquipment(String) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.PlayerFigure
Adds an additional equipment.
addAdditionalEquipment(String) - Method in class com.starpoints.state.FigureState
Adds an additional equipment.
addAdditionalItemMove(ItemState, ItemMove) - Method in class com.starpoints.state.GameState
Adds an additional item move (mainly for rockets that are launched directly into an enemy).
addChar(char) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.menu.TextEntryMenuEntry
Adds a char to the entry.
addEnergy(int, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Figure
Adds the given amount to this things energy level.
addEnergy(int, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Thing
Adds the given amount to this things energy level.
addFieldListener(FieldListener) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Field
Adds a field listener.
addFigureColorListener(FigureColorListener) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Figure
Adds a listener for this figures events.
addFigureEnergyListener(FigureEnergyListener) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Figure
Adds a listener for this figures events.
addFigureHeatListener(FigureHeatListener) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Figure
Adds a listener for this figures events.
addFigureHoverListener(FigureHoverListener) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Figure
Adds a listener for this figures events.
addFigureItemListener(FigureItemListener) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Figure
Adds a listener for this figures events.
addFigureKillListener(FigureKillListener) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Figure
Adds a listener for this figures events.
addFigureMoveAnimation(Figure, Point, Point) - Method in class com.starpoints.animation.AnimationInfo
Adds a figure move animation.
addFigureMoveAnimation(Figure, Point, Point) - Method in class com.starpoints.animation.EmptyAnimationInfo
Returns an empty FigureAnimation.
addFigureMoveListener(FigureMoveListener) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Figure
Adds a listener for this figures events.
addFigurePointListener(FigurePointListener) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Figure
Adds a listener for this figures events.
addFigureRamAnimation(Figure, boolean, int, Direction, Thing) - Method in class com.starpoints.animation.AnimationInfo
Adds a figure ram animation for a figure standing on a rammers target point.
addFigureRamAnimation(Figure, boolean, int, Direction, Thing) - Method in class com.starpoints.animation.EmptyAnimationInfo
Returns an empty FigureAnimation.
addFigureRamAnimation(Figure, Point, Point, boolean, int, Direction, Thing) - Method in class com.starpoints.animation.AnimationInfo
Adds a figure ram animation.
addFigureRamAnimation(Figure, Point, Point, boolean, int, Direction, Thing) - Method in class com.starpoints.animation.EmptyAnimationInfo
Returns an empty FigureAnimation.
addFigureRamAnimation(Figure, Point, Point, boolean, int, Direction, Thing, boolean) - Method in class com.starpoints.animation.AnimationInfo
Adds a figure ram animation.
addFigureRamAnimation(Figure, Point, Point, boolean, int, Direction, Thing, boolean) - Method in class com.starpoints.animation.EmptyAnimationInfo
Returns an empty FigureAnimation.
addFigureRamListener(FigureRamListener) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Figure
Adds a listener for this figures events.
addFigureShieldAnimation(Figure, ShieldType, int) - Method in class com.starpoints.animation.AnimationInfo
Adds a shield animation for the figure.
addFigureStunListener(FigureStunListener) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Figure
Adds a listener for this figures events.
addFigureVisibilityListener(FigureVisibilityListener) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Figure
Adds a listener for this figures events.
addFile(String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.starpoints.FileManager
Adds a file to the file list, if it is not yet contained.
addFlashAnimation(FlashAnimationState) - Method in class com.starpoints.state.GameState
Adds a flash animation.
addFlashAnimationText(String, int, int, double, int) - Method in class com.starpoints.editor.StarpointEditor
Adds the given text to the FlashAnimationInfo.
addHeat(int, boolean, Thing) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.ChrystalMonster
addHeat(int, boolean, Thing) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.GreenChrystalFigure
addHeat(int, boolean, Thing) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.RedChrystalFigure
addHeat(int, boolean, Thing) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.TheRat
Does nothing by returning 0.
addHeat(int, boolean, Thing) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.YellowChrystalFigure
addHeat(int, boolean, Thing, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Figure
Adds the given amount to this things heat level.
addInitialEnergy(int, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Figure
Adds the given amount to this figures initial energy.
addItemMoveAnimation(Item, Point, Point) - Method in class com.starpoints.animation.EmptyAnimationInfo
Returns an empty ItemAnimation.
addItemMoveAnimation(Item, Point, Point, int) - Method in class com.starpoints.animation.AnimationInfo
Adds an item-move animation
additionalAnimations - Variable in class com.starpoints.animation.AnimationInfo
Map of additional Animations.
additionalOptions - Variable in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterOptions
Painter for keyboard or sound options.
AdditionalOptions - Interface in com.starpoints.painter
Interface for additional options painter.
addLeaguePlayer(int, FigureState) - Method in class com.starpoints.state.LeagueState
addLevelChangeListener(LevelChangeListener) - Method in class com.starpoints.editor.StarpointEditor
addLevelInfo(AbstractLevelInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.LevelSet
addLevelPlayer(FigureState) - Method in class com.starpoints.state.GameState
Adds a level player.
addLife() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Figure
Adds a life.
addMatch(Match) - Method in class com.starpoints.league.MatchDay
Adds a match.
addMatchDay(MatchDay) - Method in class com.starpoints.league.Season
Adds a matchday.
addMaxEnergy(int, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Figure
Adds the given amount to this things energy maximum.
addMenu(PainterMenuHorizontal, String) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.editor.PainterTabbedMenu
addMenuEntry(MenuEntry) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterMenu
Adds a menu entry.
addMenuListener(MenuListener) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterMenu
Adds a menu listener.
addMoney(int) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Figure
Adds the given amount fo money to this figure's.
addMoveAnimation(Point, Point) - Method in class com.starpoints.animation.FigureAnimation
Addds a move animation
addPainter(Painter) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterSet
Adds a painter.
addPenalty(int, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Figure
Removes the given number of points from the current point count.
addPenalty(int, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.ChaosDuck
Does nothing - ChaosDuck does not get penalties (for killing JungleTrees especially).
addPermanentItem(ItemPermanent, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Figure
Adds an item to the permanent items list, as long as the number of items is smaller then the slot count.
addPermanentItem(PermanentItemState) - Method in class com.starpoints.state.FigureState
Adds a permanent item.
addPlayerResult(LeagueResult) - Method in class com.starpoints.league.Match
Adds a result for a player in the match.
addPointChainExplodeAnimation(Point, Point) - Method in class com.starpoints.animation.AnimationInfo
Adds a Chain explosion animation
addPointColorAnimation(Point, int, int) - Method in class com.starpoints.animation.AnimationInfo
Adds a Color animation caused by no swirl.
addPointColorAnimation(Point, int, int, boolean) - Method in class com.starpoints.animation.AnimationInfo
Adds a Color animation
addPoints(int, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Figure
Adds the given number of points to the current point count.
addProperty(String, Object) - Method in class com.starpoints.state.ThingState
Adds a property.
addRamAnimation(Point, Point, boolean, int, Direction, Thing) - Method in class com.starpoints.animation.FigureAnimation
Adds a figure ram animation.
addRamAnimation(Point, Point, boolean, int, Direction, Thing, boolean) - Method in class com.starpoints.animation.FigureAnimation
Adds a figure ram animation.
addResult(LeagueResult) - Method in class com.starpoints.league.LeagueResult
Adds score and points of result to this ones.
addSelectedFlashImageIndex(int, int, double) - Method in class com.starpoints.editor.StarpointEditor
Adds the selected flash image to the FlashAnimationInfo.
addSellItem(ShopItemState) - Method in class com.starpoints.state.ShopState
Adds a sell item.
addShieldAnimation(ShieldType, int) - Method in class com.starpoints.animation.FigureAnimation
Adds a shield animation.
addShielding(int) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Thing
Adds the given shielding against energy loss in general.
addShopItem(ShopItemState) - Method in class com.starpoints.state.ShopState
Adds a shop item.
addSkinOverlayImage(String) - Method in class com.starpoints.state.FigureState
Adds a skin overlay image.
addSlots(int, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Figure
Adds a number of slots to the slots for permanent items.
addSoundInfo(String) - Method in class com.starpoints.sound.SoundFxUpdate
Adds a SoundInfo for the given mode for client update or replayer.
addSoundInfo(String, int, boolean) - Method in class com.starpoints.sound.SoundFxUpdate
Adds a SoundInfo for the given mode for client update or replayer.
addSoundStopID(int) - Method in class com.starpoints.sound.SoundFxUpdate
Adds an id of a stopped sound.
addStateProperties(ThingState, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.BigBoss
Adds properties necessary for BigBoss painting.
addStateProperties(ThingState, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.BigBossDuck
Adds properties necessary for BigBossDuck painting.
addStateProperties(ThingState, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.BlasterTank
Adds properties necessary for Blastertank painting.
addStateProperties(ThingState, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.ChaosDuck
Adds properties necessary for ChaosDuck painting.
addStateProperties(ThingState, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.CleverComputerFigureMK2
Adds debug properties necessary for thing painting.
addStateProperties(ThingState, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.LaserTower
Adds properties necessary for LaserTower painting.
addStateProperties(ThingState, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.Rocketeer
Adds properties necessary for Rocketeer painting.
addStateProperties(ThingState, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.SwampGhost
Adds properties necessary for SwampGhost painting.
addStateProperties(ThingState, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemAsteroid
Adds properties necessary for asteroid painting.
addStateProperties(ThingState, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemBigMine
Adds properties necessary for bigmine painting.
addStateProperties(ThingState, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemBlasterGenerator
Adds properties necessary for blaster generator painting.
addStateProperties(ThingState, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemChrystalStone
Adds properties necessary for chrystal stone painting.
addStateProperties(ThingState, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemColorBucket
Adds properties necessary for color bucket painting.
addStateProperties(ThingState, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemDoubleShields
Adds properties necessary for color bucket painting.
addStateProperties(ThingState, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemDriller
Adds properties necessary for driller painting.
addStateProperties(ThingState, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemEnergyLoss
Adds properties necessary for energy loss painting.
addStateProperties(ThingState, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemMine
Adds properties necessary for mine painting.
addStateProperties(ThingState, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemMoney
Adds properties necessary for rocket painting.
addStateProperties(ThingState, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemPhantomPoints
Adds properties necessary for warp points painting.
addStateProperties(ThingState, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemRocket
Adds properties necessary for rocket painting.
addStateProperties(ThingState, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemRocketeer
Adds properties necessary for energy loss painting.
addStateProperties(ThingState, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemSatellite
Adds properties necessary for satellite painting.
addStateProperties(ThingState, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemSecretLevel
Adds properties necessary for secretlevel painting.
addStateProperties(ThingState, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Thing
Override in superclasses, to add properties necessary for thing painting.
addText() - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.editor.PainterFlashAnimationEditor
Adept - com.starpoints.game.Handicap
adjustMenuEntries() - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.editor.PainterEditorMenu
Adjusts menu entries according to editor state.
adjustPlayerForLevel(FlashAnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Game
Adds items, energy and screenitems to the player figures, depending on the current level.
adjustPlayerForLevel(FlashAnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.league.LeagueGame
Adds items, energy and screenitems to the player figures, depending on the current level and slots depending on Options.
adjustRepaintCounter(int) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterFlashAnimation
Adjusts the repaint counter in case of multiple or missing ui update calls.
adjustRepaintCounter(int) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterGameFinishedAnimation
Adjusts the repaint counter in case of multiple or missing ui update calls.
affectsBlue - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.Figure
Flag, if this figure affects blue points.
affectsBlue - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.FigureInfo
Flag, if figure causes explosions on blue points.
affectsBlue - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.Item
Flag, if item affects blue points.
affectsBlue() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Figure
Returns, if this thing affects blue points.
affectsBlue() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Item
Checks, if this item affects blue points.
affectsBlue() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Thing
Checks, if this thing affects blue points.
aggressiveness - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.figure.CleverComputerFigure
Value for the aggressiveness of this figure, used for rating aspects.
allAlive() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Game
Checks, if any human player has lost all his or her lives.
allowsLevelSelection() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.GameInfo
Checks, if level selection is allowed at game start.
allowsSelling - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.ShopInfo
Flag, if items can be sold in the shop.
alreadyKilled - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.Figure
Flag, if the killing effect was already performed on the killer.
alwaysPlayLevelSong - Variable in class com.starpoints.Options
Flag, if level sound is played even if level is reentered after ir was not won.
animatedImages - Variable in class com.starpoints.painter.arena2D.PainterPlayerFigure
animatePlayer - Variable in class com.starpoints.Options
Flag, if player figure is animated during movement.
animation - Variable in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterBackgroundAnimation
Current animation. null, if none is shown.
Animation - Class in com.starpoints.animation
Abstract superclass for Animation infos for things and points.
Animation(int) - Constructor for class com.starpoints.animation.Animation
Creates a new Animation with the given duration in round segments.
animationIndex - Variable in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterBackgroundAnimation
Counter for animation paint.
animationIndex(GameState, int) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.arena2D.PainterItemDriller
Calculates the animation index based on rocket speed and frame rate.
animationIndex(ItemMove, int) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.arena2D.PainterItemAsteroid
Calculates the animation index based on rocket speed and frame rate.
animationIndex(ItemMove, int) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.arena2D.PainterItemRocket
Calculates the animation index based on rocket speed and frame rate.
AnimationInfo - Class in com.starpoints.animation
Container for all animations during one round segment.
AnimationInfo(int) - Constructor for class com.starpoints.animation.AnimationInfo
Creates a new AnimationInfo with the given index.
animationPainter - Variable in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterBackground
animationProbability - Variable in class com.starpoints.Options
Probability for background animations to start.
AnimationReader - Class in com.starpoints.io
Level reader for the level-ini files.
AnimationReader() - Constructor for class com.starpoints.io.AnimationReader
Creates a new LevelReader.
animations - Variable in class com.starpoints.animation.BackgroundAnimationSet
The list of BackgroundAnimations.
animations - Variable in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterBackgroundAnimation
Set of all background animations
animationUpdate - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.UpdateInfo
The level.
anyLaserTowerAlive() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.BigBossDuck
Checks, if any of the LaserTowers in the level is still alive.
applyClientFigureInfos() - Method in class com.starpoints.StarpointController
Applies the client player names and skins to the game player figures.
applyGraphInfo(LevelState) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.Painter2DArena
Calculates new graphic coordinates after resize events.
applyLevelInfoSpeed - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.FigureInfo
Flag, if this figures speed should be set to the levels enemy speed setting.
applyLevelProperties() - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.editor.PainterFlashAnimationItems
Applies the shop properties after the selected level changed.
applyLevelProperties() - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.editor.PainterFlashAnimationPlanets
Applies the shop properties after the selected level changed.
applyLevelProperties() - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.editor.PainterLevelColors
applyLevelProperties() - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.editor.PainterLevelEnemies
applyLevelProperties() - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.editor.PainterLevelFogs
applyLevelProperties() - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.editor.PainterLevelItems
Applies the level properties after the selected level changed.
applyLevelProperties() - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.editor.PainterMenuHorizontal
applyLevelProperties() - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.editor.PainterShopItems
Applies the shop properties after the selected level changed.
applyOptions() - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterGraphicSoundOptions
Applies the options to the menu selections.
applyOptions() - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterLeagueOptions
Applies the options to the menu selections.
applySkin(Skin) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.PlayerFigure
Applies the given skin to this PlayerFigure, so the skins settings are used for this figure.
area - Variable in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterBase
The paint area.
areas - Variable in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterBase
The mouse areas with menu items
AskEnter - com.starpoints.game.ShopMode
Waiting for user to answer entry question.
attachToCenter() - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.editor.PainterFlashAnimationEditor
Checks if mouse pos is nearly centered and sets mousepos to 0/0.


BackgroundAnimation - Class in com.starpoints.animation
Descriptor for a background animation.
BackgroundAnimation() - Constructor for class com.starpoints.animation.BackgroundAnimation
BackgroundAnimationSet - Class in com.starpoints.animation
Stores all information for one BackGroundAnimation (which might consist of different BackgroundAnimations starting at different update indices.
BackgroundAnimationSet() - Constructor for class com.starpoints.animation.BackgroundAnimationSet
backgroundColor - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.LevelInfo
The background color.
backgroundForeColor - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.LevelInfo
The background forecolor.
backgroundImage - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.LevelInfo
String for a background image.
BackgroundImageInfo - Class in com.starpoints.animation
Contains information for one images animation as part of a BackgroundAnimation.
BackgroundImageInfo() - Constructor for class com.starpoints.animation.BackgroundImageInfo
baseImageName - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.fog.FogHide
A base image name.
beFired() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemCleverRocket
Sets the target figure to the nearest one, calls the beFired-supermethod, and starts the sound fx.
beFired() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemRocket
Sets the state to ACTIVE, calls the fields rocketStarted-method, and starts the sound fx.
beforeMove(Figure, Point, Point, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Figure
Called, before the game handles this figures move.
beforeMove(Figure, Point, Point, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemChrystalStone
beforeMove(Figure, Point, Point, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemDriller
beforeMove(Figure, Point, Point, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemSatellite
Called, if the satellite is active.
beforeMove(Figure, Point, Point, AnimationInfo) - Method in interface com.starpoints.game.listener.FigureMoveListener
Called, before the figure moves to a new point.
beforePickup(Figure, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemAbstractChrystal
Called when picked up.
beforePickup(Figure, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemRocketGeneratorBoost
Checks, if a RocketGenerator is present,
beforePickup(Figure, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemRocketGeneratorBoostFast
Checks, if a RocketGenerator is present,
beforePickup(Figure, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.ItemPermanent
Called befor picking up a permanent item.
Benefit - com.starpoints.game.ItemCategory
bePickedUp(Figure, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Item
This method is called, when the item is picked up by a figure.
beRammed(Figure, int, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Figure
Performs the effect when this figure is rammed by the rammer or rams him.
beRammed(Figure, int, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.BlueChrystalFigure
Performs the effect when this figure is rammed by the rammer or rams him.
beRammed(Figure, int, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.ChrystalMonster
Performs the effect when this figure is rammed by the rammer or rams him.
beRammed(Figure, int, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.RedChrystalFigure
Performs the effect when this figure is rammed by the rammer or rams him.
beRammed(Figure, int, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.SantaClaus
Called, if Santa Claus is rammed.
beRammed(Figure, int, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.TheRat
Performs the effect when this figure is rammed by the rammer or rams him.
beRammed(Figure, int, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.YellowChrystalFigure
Performs the effect when this figure is rammed by the rammer or rams him.
beRammed(Figure, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemChrystalStone
beRammed(Figure, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemExplosion
Returns false.
beRammed(Figure, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemJungleTree
Called, if the item is rammed by a figure.
beRammed(Figure, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemRock
Called, if the item is rammed by a figure.
beRammed(Figure, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemRocketeer
Called, if this item is "picked up" by a figure.
beRammed(Figure, AnimationInfo) - Method in interface com.starpoints.game.ItemRammable
Called, if the item is rammed by a figure.
bestLevel - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.PlayerFigure
The best levels name.
BestMoveInfo - Class in com.starpoints
Descriptor for a best move.
BestMoveInfo(String, String, int) - Constructor for class com.starpoints.BestMoveInfo
Creates a BestMoveInfo.
BestMoveManager - Class in com.starpoints
Handles the best move replay (if all menu texts have been shown).
BestMoveManager(StarpointController) - Constructor for class com.starpoints.BestMoveManager
Creates a BestMoveManager
BestMoveReplay - com.starpoints.StarpointMode
Best move replay.
bestPoints - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.PlayerFigure
Best levels point result
beUsed(Figure, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Item
This method is called when the item is used by a figure.
bgFactX - Variable in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterFlashAnimation
Background scaling factor.
bgFactX - Variable in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterGameFinishedAnimation
Background scaling factor.
bgFactY - Variable in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterFlashAnimation
Background scaling factor.
bgFactY - Variable in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterGameFinishedAnimation
Background scaling factor.
bgImage - Variable in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterLeagueBoard
Big - com.starpoints.painter.FontSize
Big font.
BigBoss - Class in com.starpoints.game.figure
The Boss enemy (surrounded by 4 BigBossDrones).
BigBoss(Game, FigureInfo) - Constructor for class com.starpoints.game.figure.BigBoss
Creates The last Enemy.
BigBossDrone - Class in com.starpoints.game.figure
Drone Figure for BigBoss.
BigBossDrone(Game, FigureInfo) - Constructor for class com.starpoints.game.figure.BigBossDrone
Creates a BigBossDrone.
BigBossDuck - Class in com.starpoints.game.figure
The Last Enemy of the Chaos Duck realm, consisting of 4 figures of this class, placed in a 2x2-square.
BigBossDuck(Game, FigureInfo) - Constructor for class com.starpoints.game.figure.BigBossDuck
Creates a BigBossDuck.
bigFont - Variable in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterBase
A big font.
bigMine - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.figure.CleverComputerFigure
A big mine that was used by the figure.
BIGMINE_PLACED - Static variable in class com.starpoints.game.figure.CleverComputerFigure
Hurrying reason bit value for a placed BigMine.
bigMinePlaced(ItemBigMine) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Field
Fires the bigmine placed event.
black - Static variable in class com.starpoints.Colors
Black color.
blackened - com.starpoints.game.DieReason
Death by entering a hole.
blackened - com.starpoints.game.ShieldType
Shield against holes.
BLACKENED - Static variable in class com.starpoints.painter.Explosions
Constant for die fx caused by hole.
blackPoint - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.Effects
Stores the last hit black point.
blackRainClip - Variable in class com.starpoints.SoundFx
The clip played for extra lives.
blackRainCoordinates - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.EffectsInfo
blackRainOldColors - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.Effects
List of lists of drop´s old colors to restore after the black drop for possibly multiple black rain fx.
blackRainProb - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.LevelInfo
Probability of black rain starting when entering black points.
blackRains - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.BonusManager
blackRainSrc - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.Effects
List of figures that originated the possibly multiple black rain effects.
blackRainX - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.Effects
List of lists of drop´s x coordinates for possibly multiple black rain fx.
blackRainY - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.Effects
List of lists of drop´s y coordinate for possibly multiple black rain fx.
blasterEnergy - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemBlasterGenerator
Initial blaster (and fireball) energy.
BlasterTank - Class in com.starpoints.game.figure
Computer figure, that fires fireballs frequently.
BlasterTank(Game, FigureInfo) - Constructor for class com.starpoints.game.figure.BlasterTank
Creates a new BlasterTank.
blobs - Variable in class com.starpoints.painter.Painter2DArena
blue - Static variable in class com.starpoints.Colors
Blue color.
BlueChrystalFigure - Class in com.starpoints.game.figure
Computer figure that only works in the blue chrystal zone.
BlueChrystalFigure(Game, FigureInfo) - Constructor for class com.starpoints.game.figure.BlueChrystalFigure
Creates a new BlueChrystalFigure figure.
blueColors - Static variable in class com.starpoints.Colors
The blue colors.
BlueCrawler - Class in com.starpoints.game.figure
Simple computer figure that colors every point around him randomly blue and starts a chain explosion when dying.
BlueCrawler(Game, FigureInfo) - Constructor for class com.starpoints.game.figure.BlueCrawler
Creates a BlueCrawler.
bluePoints - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.Effects
Stores the last hit blue point seperately for each figure.
blueswirling - Static variable in class com.starpoints.Colors
Placeholder for a random color.
blueSwirling - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.Point
Flag, if the blue swirling efffect is on.
BOLD - Static variable in class com.starpoints.graphics.Font
Style Constant for bold font.
bombed - com.starpoints.game.DieReason
Death because of picking up bombs or exploding items.
bombPlaced(ItemBigMine, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.CleverComputerFigure
Method that is called when a bigmine is placed on the field.
bombPlaced(ItemBigMine, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.CleverComputerFigureMK2
Method that is called when a bigmine is placed on the field.
bombPlaced(ItemBigMine, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Item
Method that is called when a bigmine is placed on the field.
bombPlaced(ItemBigMine, AnimationInfo) - Method in interface com.starpoints.game.listener.FieldListener
Method that is called when a bigmine is placed on the field.
BombRatingModifier - Class in com.starpoints.game.figure
Modifier for big bombs placed on the field.
BombRatingModifier(Figure, ItemBigMine) - Constructor for class com.starpoints.game.figure.BombRatingModifier
Creates a new BombRatingModifier.
BombRatingModifierMK2 - Class in com.starpoints.game.figure
Modifier for big bombs placed on the field.
BombRatingModifierMK2(Figure, ItemBigMine) - Constructor for class com.starpoints.game.figure.BombRatingModifierMK2
Creates a new BombRatingModifier.
BombState - Enum in com.starpoints.game.item
State for big mine and mines.
bonus - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.BonusDescriptor
BonusDescriptor - Class in com.starpoints.game
Class storing bonus information.
BonusDescriptor() - Constructor for class com.starpoints.game.BonusDescriptor
bonusManager - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.Game
The Replayer.
BonusManager - Class in com.starpoints.game
Class for managing player boni.
BonusManager(Game) - Constructor for class com.starpoints.game.BonusManager
Bottom - com.starpoints.painter.MessagePosition
Centered bottom position.
BOTTOMLEFT - Static variable in class com.starpoints.game.figure.BigBoss
Direction constant for fire animation.
BOTTOMLEFT - Static variable in class com.starpoints.game.figure.BigBossDuck
Direction constant for fire animation.
BOTTOMRIGHT - Static variable in class com.starpoints.game.figure.BigBoss
Direction constant for fire animation.
BOTTOMRIGHT - Static variable in class com.starpoints.game.figure.BigBossDuck
Direction constant for fire animation.
brighter(int) - Static method in class com.starpoints.Colors
Gets a brighter version of a color (adding 20% to every color value, or setting it to 40, if 0 in the original color).
brown - Static variable in class com.starpoints.Colors
Yellow color.
brownPoints - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.Effects
Stores the last brown point seperately for each figure.
button - Variable in class com.starpoints.painter.editor.ImageButton
button - Variable in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterMenu
button_clicked - Variable in class com.starpoints.painter.editor.ImageButton
button_clicked - Variable in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterMenu
BUTTON1_MASK - Static variable in class com.starpoints.event.MouseEvent
Modifier constant for Button 1.
BUTTON2_MASK - Static variable in class com.starpoints.event.MouseEvent
Modifier constant for Button 2.
buttonCounter - Variable in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterMenu
buttonLeft - Static variable in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterMenu
Left scroll button.
buttonRight - Static variable in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterMenu
Right scroll button.
buyItem(int) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Shop
Makes the figure buy the item at the given index in the shop item list.


calculateAngle(int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.arena2D.PainterThing
Calculates the angle (in rad) from the source coordinates to the given target point (in 2D). 0° means up, 90° is left aso.
calculateBonus(PlayerFigure) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.BonusManager
calculateCurveY(ThingState, ItemMove, PointState, Direction, Direction, int) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.arena2D.PainterItemRocket
calculateDuration() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemAbstractChrystal
Calculates the duration.
calculateDuration() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemAntiKill
Calculates the duration.
calculateDuration() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemShielding
Calculates the duration.
calculateDuration() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.ItemPermanent
Calculates the duration.
calculateFogRating(Point, boolean) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.CleverComputerFigureMK2
Gets a rating for the fog on a point.
calculateGain() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemRamPower
Calculates the ram power gain.
calculateItemFocus(MouseEvent) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterShop
Calculates the focussed item.
calculateItemRating(Item) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.ComputerFigure
Calculates a rating for the item.
calculateNextPoint() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.ComputerFigure
Calculates the best next point by checking the currently occupied and its surrounding points.
calculatePointRating(Point) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.ComputerFigure
Gets the point rating for a given point during next point calculation - override this method in own computer figure implementations if you want reuse the calculateNextPoint()-method for the way the next point is basically retrieved.
calculatePointRating(Point) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.BigBoss
Gets the point rating for a given point during next point calculation - Returns -100000 for points on the edge of the field, otherwise supermethods return value.
calculatePointRating(Point) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.ChrystalMonster
Gets the point rating for the given point for determining the best next point for this figure.
calculatePointRating(Point) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.CleverComputerFigure
Gets the point rating for the given point for determining the best next point for this figure.
calculatePointRating(Point) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.CleverComputerFigureMK2
Gets a point rating for a given point.
calculatePointRating(Point) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.KamikazeFigure
Gets a points rating.
calculateRatingModifiers(Point) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.CleverComputerFigureMK2
Modifies the point rating by the rating modifiers.
calculateRocketAnimationX(ThingState, ItemMove, int, PointState, Direction, Direction) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.arena2D.PainterItemRocket
calculateRocketAnimationY(ThingState, ItemMove, int, PointState, Direction, Direction) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.arena2D.PainterItemRocket
calculateRocketX(double) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.arena2D.PainterFigure
Calculates the x difference for the rocket display in the figure.
calculateRocketX(double) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.arena2D.PainterItemRocketeer
Calculates the x difference for the rocket display in the figure.
calculateRocketY(double) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.arena2D.PainterFigure
Calculates the y difference for the rocket display in the figure.
calculateRocketY(double) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.arena2D.PainterItemRocketeer
Calculates the y difference for the rocket display in the figure.
calculateScoreDifferenceToLead() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.CleverComputerFigureMK2
Calculates the score difference to the best player in the level.
calculateScoreDifferenceToSecond() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.CleverComputerFigureMK2
Calculates the score difference to the second best player in the level.
calculateTarget() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.KamikazeFigure
Determines the next visible PlayerFigure.
calculateTarget(int, int) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemRocket
Calculates the rocket target using the given start coordinates.
calculateTarget(int, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemDuckRocket
Does nothing.
calculateTarget(int, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemRocket
Determines the nearest target figure and calculates the target line.
calculateTargetDirectionRating(Point) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.CleverComputerFigureMK2
Returns a positive rating modifier, if p is in the target direction.
calculateTargetLine() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemRocket
Calculates the points to move over when fired.
calculateXOffset() - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterBackgroundAnimation
Calculates an offset for the display.
canEnterScoreList() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Game
Checks, if high score list entry is valid for this game.
canMove(Figure) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.GameRoutine
Checks, if the figure can move.
category - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.Item
A category this item belongs to.
CATEGORY_WIDTH - Static variable in class com.starpoints.painter.editor.PainterLevelItems
Center - com.starpoints.painter.MessagePosition
Centered position.
chainExplode(Point, int, int, int, Thing) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Effects
Starts a chain explosion, which lets an explosion spread over all connected blue points.
chainFxPoints - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.Effects
Stores the already exploded points during chainExplode-FX.
changeColorFromFormatString() - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterText
Changes the text color according to a format string.
changeFontFromFormatString() - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterText
Changes the text font according to a format string.
changeSizeFromFormatString() - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterText
Changes the text size according to a format string.
changeSizeFromFormatString() - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterTutorial
Changes the text size according to a format string.
ChaosDuck - Class in com.starpoints.game.figure
Flame throwing enemy (whenever any enemy is in shoot distance).
ChaosDuck(Game, FigureInfo) - Constructor for class com.starpoints.game.figure.ChaosDuck
Creates a new ChaosDuck.
checkBigMineUsage() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.CleverComputerFigure
Checks, if a big mine should be used.
checkEnemy(Figure) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.ComputerFigure
Checks, if a figure is relevant for the closest enemy determination.
checkEnemy(Figure) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.BigBossDuck
Checks, if a figure is relevant for the closest enemy determination.
checkEnemy(Figure) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.ChaosDuck
Checks, if a figure is relevant for the closest enemy determination.
checkEnemy(Figure) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.LaserTower
Checks, if a figure is relevant for the closest enemy determination.
checkForLevelChange(GameState) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.arena2D.PainterThing
Checks for a level change and calls the initializeForNewLevel().
checkForScoreAnimation(GameState, FigureState, int) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterPlayerInfos
Checks, if score animation is to display for this figure.
checkHurryingBecauseOfEnemyNearby() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.CleverComputerFigure
Checks, if the nearest enemy is still a reason for hurrying.
checkHurryingBecauseOfPointColor() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.CleverComputerFigure
Checks, if the color of the current point is a reason to move fast.
checkIfInRadius(Point, int, int, int) - Static method in class com.starpoints.Utils
Checks, if the given coordinates are within the radius around the point p.
checkIfNewTargetShouldBeSelected() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.CleverComputerFigure
Checks, if the figure wants to select a new target.
checkMoveToTarget() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemDriller
Checks, if the user moves to the target point, stores an item if the target point is occupied by.
checkPickup(Figure) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemAbstractChrystal
Checks, if the chrystal will really be picked up - false, if same chrystal is already owned.
checkPickup(Figure) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemRatPoison
Checks, if the chrystal will really be picked up - false, if same chrystal is already owned.
checkRamPowerForUsage() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.CleverComputerFigure
Checks, if a ram power item should be used.
checkRegeneration(Figure) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemEnergyPlusSuper
Checks, if the item gives energy to the user.
checkRocketUsage() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.CleverComputerFigure
Checks, if a rocket should be used.
checkRocketUsage() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.Rocketeer
Checks, if a rocket should be used.
checkShieldingForUsage() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.CleverComputerFigure
Checks, if a shield item should be used.
Chess - com.starpoints.game.SpeedLevel
Very slow mode.
ChrystalMonster - Class in com.starpoints.game.figure
Computer figure that only works in the last chrystal zone.
ChrystalMonster(Game, FigureInfo) - Constructor for class com.starpoints.game.figure.ChrystalMonster
Creates a new ChrystalMonster figure on the field.
classes - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemChrystalStone
className - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.FigureInfo
This figures name.
className - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.FogInfo
Item class.
className - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.ItemInfo
Item class.
clear() - Method in class com.starpoints.animation.AnimationInfo
Clears all animations.
clear() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.LevelSet
Clears the level list.
clear() - Method in class com.starpoints.IntelliTouch
Clear the target line.
clear() - Method in class com.starpoints.sound.SoundFxUpdate
Clears the update lists.
clearEffects() - Method in class com.starpoints.SoundFx
Clears the SoundFxUpdate for network game.
clearFieldFigures(Field) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.FlashEffects
Removes all figures from the field.
clearFieldItems(Field, int) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.FlashEffects
Removes all items from the field, calling their onLevelFinished-method (and inserting a "plop"-sound as well).
clearForNewServerGame() - Method in class com.starpoints.network.StarpointNetworkHandler
Clears the player figure mappings.
clearLevelItems() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Game
Calls the onLevelFinishedMethod for all items on the field.
clearPainters() - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterSet
Clears the list of painters.
clearTexts() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Thing
Clears the list of texts to display at the thing.
CleverComputerFigure - Class in com.starpoints.game.figure
A more clever computer figure.
CleverComputerFigure(Game, FigureInfo) - Constructor for class com.starpoints.game.figure.CleverComputerFigure
Creates a new CleverComputerFigure.
CleverComputerFigureMK2 - Class in com.starpoints.game.figure
A more clever computer figure, using strategies to decide whether to collect points, items, regenerate, destroy enemies etc..
CleverComputerFigureMK2(Game, FigureInfo) - Constructor for class com.starpoints.game.figure.CleverComputerFigureMK2
Creates a new CleverComputerFigure MK2 with IQ 120.
CleverComputerFigureMK2_160 - Class in com.starpoints.game.figure
CleverComputerFigureMK2 with an IQ set to 160.
CleverComputerFigureMK2_160(Game, FigureInfo) - Constructor for class com.starpoints.game.figure.CleverComputerFigureMK2_160
Creates a new CleverComputerFigure MK2 with IQ 160.
CleverComputerFigureMK2_200 - Class in com.starpoints.game.figure
CleverComputerFigureMK2 with an IQ set to 200.
CleverComputerFigureMK2_200(Game, FigureInfo) - Constructor for class com.starpoints.game.figure.CleverComputerFigureMK2_200
Creates a new CleverComputerFigure MK2 with IQ 200.
CLEVERROCKET - Static variable in class com.starpoints.game.figure.Rocketeer
Constant for drop rocket.
ClickMenuEntry - Class in com.starpoints.painter.menu
ClickMenuEntry(String, int, int, int, FontSize) - Constructor for class com.starpoints.painter.menu.ClickMenuEntry
clickMode - Variable in class com.starpoints.editor.StarpointEditor
Current click mode (edit or mark).
ClientGameQuit - com.starpoints.network.ClientMessageContent
Content for client quit message.
ClientID - com.starpoints.network.ServerMessageContent
ClientInfo - Class in com.starpoints.network
ClientInfo(String, Skin) - Constructor for class com.starpoints.network.ClientInfo
ClientItemBuy - Class in com.starpoints.network
ClientItemBuy(int) - Constructor for class com.starpoints.network.ClientItemBuy
ClientMessageContent - Enum in com.starpoints.network
ClientMessageObject - Class in com.starpoints.network
ClientMessageObject(int, ClientMessageContent, Object) - Constructor for class com.starpoints.network.ClientMessageObject
ClientMove - Class in com.starpoints.network
ClientMove(Direction, boolean, Direction) - Constructor for class com.starpoints.network.ClientMove
ClientState - Enum in com.starpoints.network
ClientWaitForGame - com.starpoints.StarpointMode
Mode while client waits for server game.
CLIPINIT - Variable in class com.starpoints.SoundFx
The number of green points to enter before green sound is switched.
clipLooped - Variable in class com.starpoints.SoundFx
Flag, if different sound clips are looped for restart after pause.
clipMode - Variable in class com.starpoints.SoundFx
Flag, if different sound clips are looped for restart after pause.
clips - Variable in class com.starpoints.sound.SoundFxUpdate
Array of lists of SoundInfo objects.
clipStr - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemBigMine
A clip name after being dropped.
clone() - Method in class com.starpoints.animation.Animation
Creates a clone of this animation.
clone() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.AbstractLevelInfo
clone() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.EnemyInfo
Returns a clone.
clone() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.FieldInfo
clone() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.FlashAnimationInfo
Returns a deep clone.
clone() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.FlashInfo
Returns a clone of this FlashInfo.
clone() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.FogInfo
Returns a clone.
clone() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.ItemInfo
Returns a clone.
clone() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.LevelInfo
clone() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.LevelSet
Returns a (deep) clone of this levelset.
clone() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.ShopItemInfo
Returns a clone.
clone() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Skin
Returns a clone.
clone() - Method in class com.starpoints.sound.SoundFxUpdate
Clones the update lists.
cockpit - Variable in class com.starpoints.Options
Flag, if cockpit mode should be used for display.
codeBeforeFlashs - Variable in class com.starpoints.Options
Flag, if level codes are collected in the level before the suiting flash animation (like Bonus Levels in original game).
color - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.FlashInfo
color - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.Point
This points color.
color - Variable in class com.starpoints.painter.arena2D.PainterItemBigMine
Circle color.
color - Variable in class com.starpoints.painter.arena2D.PainterItemSatellite
Circle color.
color - Variable in class com.starpoints.painter.arena2D.PainterItemSecretLevel
Circle color.
color - Variable in class com.starpoints.painter.menu.MenuEntry
Menu entry display color.
Color - com.starpoints.editor.EditingMode
Color editing.
colorButtons - Variable in class com.starpoints.painter.editor.ColorChooser
ColorChooser - Class in com.starpoints.painter.editor
ColorChooser(int, int) - Constructor for class com.starpoints.painter.editor.ColorChooser
colorFields(Field, Point, int, int, Thing, boolean, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Effects
Colors the fields in a best possible circle around the Point p in the given color.
colorFields(Field, Point, int, int, Thing, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Effects
Colors the fields in a best possible circle around the Point p in the given color.
colorlistener - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.Figure
A list of figure event listeners
colorMenuEntry - Variable in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterSkinSelection
colorPoints(Point, int, int, Thing, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Field
Colors the points on the field in a best possible circle around the center point in the given color.
colorPower - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.Point
The power of the new color setter.
colorProb - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.LevelInfo
Random colors probabilities.
colors - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.FieldInfo
Stores the color info.
colors - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.LevelInfo
Random colors.
colors - Variable in class com.starpoints.painter.editor.ColorChooser
Colors - Class in com.starpoints
Color constants and helper methods for the Starpoints game.
Colors() - Constructor for class com.starpoints.Colors
COLORS - Static variable in class com.starpoints.io.LevelReader
Line identifier for level colors.
COLORS - Static variable in class com.starpoints.io.LevelWriter
Line identifier for level colors.
colorSrc - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.Point
Reference to the last caller of setColor().
com.starpoints - package com.starpoints
Contains main classes for StarpointArena.
com.starpoints.animation - package com.starpoints.animation
Contains classes for game state changes that are collected during one game update cycle.
com.starpoints.editor - package com.starpoints.editor
Contains classes for the level editor.
com.starpoints.event - package com.starpoints.event
Contains event handler and platform independent event classes for input events.
com.starpoints.game - package com.starpoints.game
Contains the classes for the StarpointArena game.
com.starpoints.game.figure - package com.starpoints.game.figure
Contains the figure subclasses, that implement the individual figure behaviours.
com.starpoints.game.fog - package com.starpoints.game.fog
Contains the fog subclasses, that implement the individual fog behaviours.
com.starpoints.game.item - package com.starpoints.game.item
Contains the item subclasses, that implement the individual item behaviours.
com.starpoints.game.listener - package com.starpoints.game.listener
Contains listeners interfaces for different events during the game.
com.starpoints.graphics - package com.starpoints.graphics
Contains some platform independent graphic objects.
com.starpoints.io - package com.starpoints.io
Contains readers and writers for different file based info objects.
com.starpoints.league - package com.starpoints.league
Contains classes for the league game.
com.starpoints.log - package com.starpoints.log
Contains a (more or less unused yet) Logger.
com.starpoints.network - package com.starpoints.network
Contains network handling components and message objects.
com.starpoints.painter - package com.starpoints.painter
Contains 2D painters.
com.starpoints.painter.arena2D - package com.starpoints.painter.arena2D
Contains special 2D painters for things.
com.starpoints.painter.editor - package com.starpoints.painter.editor
Contains 2D painters for level editor.
com.starpoints.painter.menu - package com.starpoints.painter.menu
Contains menu item implementations.
com.starpoints.sound - package com.starpoints.sound
Contains classes for sound updates.
com.starpoints.state - package com.starpoints.state
Contains state classes for UI updates, replay and best move storage.
comment - Variable in class com.starpoints.ScoreEntry
The comment.
ComputerFigure - Class in com.starpoints.game
The basic computer figure in the newgame.
ComputerFigure(Game, FigureInfo) - Constructor for class com.starpoints.game.ComputerFigure
Creates a new computer figure on the field.
confirm() - Method in class com.starpoints.editor.StarpointEditor
Call to confirm confirm question
containsAdditionalAnimation(Object) - Method in class com.starpoints.animation.AnimationInfo
Checks, if an additional animation is contained for the key.
containsAdditionalAnimation(Object) - Method in class com.starpoints.animation.EmptyAnimationInfo
Returns false.
containsCenterImage() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.FlashAnimationInfo
Checks if an image at coordinates (0/0) is contained.
containsCenterImage() - Method in class com.starpoints.state.FlashAnimationState
Checks if an image at coordinates (0/0) is contained.
containsFigureAnimation(Figure) - Method in class com.starpoints.animation.AnimationInfo
Checks, if an animation for the given figure is contained.
containsFigureAnimation(Figure) - Method in class com.starpoints.animation.EmptyAnimationInfo
Returns false.
containsFigureMoveAnimation(Figure) - Method in class com.starpoints.animation.AnimationInfo
Checks, if a move animation for the given figure is contained.
containsItemAnimation(Item) - Method in class com.starpoints.animation.AnimationInfo
Checks, if an animation is contained for the given item.
containsPointAnimation(Point) - Method in class com.starpoints.animation.AnimationInfo
Checks, if an animation for the given point exist.
controller - Variable in class com.starpoints.FileManager
the controller.
controller - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.Game
The application context.
controller - Variable in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterBase
Reference to the Controller.
controller - Variable in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterFactory
controlMenuEntry - Variable in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterOptions
Cooling - com.starpoints.game.ItemCategory
coolnessBonus - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.BonusDescriptor
coolnessCount - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.BonusDescriptor
copy - Variable in class com.starpoints.painter.editor.PainterLevelOverview
copy() - Method in class com.starpoints.event.MouseEvent
Creates a copy of this event.
copyToArray(ArrayList<Integer>) - Static method in class com.starpoints.Utils
Creates an int array from the list.
copyToStringArray(ArrayList<String>) - Static method in class com.starpoints.Utils
Creates a string array from the list.
countDown - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemBigMine
Countdown counter.
countDown - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemWarpPoints
Counter for disappearing.
countDown - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.Point
Counter for delayed explosions.
counter - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.figure.LaserTower
Fire counter for laser beam.
counters - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemChrystalStone
COURIER - Static variable in class com.starpoints.graphics.Font
Name Constant for Courier font.
COURIER_10 - Static variable in class com.starpoints.graphics.Font
A Courier font with a size of 10.
COURIER_12 - Static variable in class com.starpoints.graphics.Font
A Courier font with a size of 12.
COURIER_14 - Static variable in class com.starpoints.graphics.Font
A Courier font with a size of 14.
COURIER_16 - Static variable in class com.starpoints.graphics.Font
A Courier font with a size of 16.
COURIER_20 - Static variable in class com.starpoints.graphics.Font
A Courier font with a size of 20.
COURIER_24 - Static variable in class com.starpoints.graphics.Font
A Courier font with a size of 24.
COURIER_28 - Static variable in class com.starpoints.graphics.Font
A Courier font with a size of 28.
COURIER_30 - Static variable in class com.starpoints.graphics.Font
A Courier font with a size of 30.
COURIER_60 - Static variable in class com.starpoints.graphics.Font
A Courier font with a size of 60.
COURIER_8 - Static variable in class com.starpoints.graphics.Font
A Courier font with a size of 8.
Crack - com.starpoints.game.Handicap
crackleGlassPoint(Point, Thing, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Effects
Makes the glass crackle.
create(int, int, double, double) - Method in class com.starpoints.graphics.Graphics
Creates a new Graphics with the given offset and scaling factors.
create2DArenaPainterSet(StarpointController, Rectangle) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterFactory
create3DArenaPainterSet(StarpointController, Rectangle) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterFactory
create3DMenuPainterSet(Rectangle) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterFactory
create3DOptionsPainterSet(Rectangle) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterFactory
createAndPlaceEnemyFigures(LevelInfo, List<Figure>, Field, List<Integer>) - Method in class com.starpoints.editor.StarpointEditor
Initializes the enemy figures for a new level and places tham.
createAndPlaceEnemyFigures(LevelInfo, List<Figure>, Field, List<Integer>) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Game
Initializes the enemy figures for a new level and places tham.
createAndPlaceLeaguePlayer(List<Figure>, Field, int, int) - Method in class com.starpoints.league.LeagueGame
Reinitializes and places the player figures for a new level.
createAndPlacePlayerFigures(List<Figure>, Field, Collection<Integer>) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Game
Reinitializes and places the player figures for a new level.
createArenaPainter2D(StarpointController, Rectangle) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterFactory
createBackground(StarpointController, Rectangle) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterFactory
createClientWaitPainterSet(Rectangle) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterFactory
createCreditsPainterSet(StarpointController, Rectangle) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterFactory
createDropMine() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemMine
Creates the mine to be dropped after usage.
createEditorPainterSet(Rectangle) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterFactory
createExit(int, int, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemAbstractChrystal
Creates the exit when collected.
createExit(int, int, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemRatPoison
Creates the exit when collected.
createFadeInAnimation(Field, int) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.FlashEffects
Creates the animation during field fade in effect.
createFadeOutAnimation(Field, int) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.FlashEffects
Creates the animation during field fade out effect.
createFigureFromInfo(FigureInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Game
Returns a new instance of a Figure of the given class.
createFigureImages(FigureState) - Static method in class com.starpoints.painter.arena2D.PainterFigure
Creates the images for this figure and stores them in the image map.
createFigures() - Method in class com.starpoints.editor.StarpointEditor
Creates the editor figures.
createFlashAnimationPainter(StarpointController, Rectangle) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterFactory
createFogs() - Method in class com.starpoints.editor.StarpointEditor
Initializes the fog classes.
createGame(GameInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.StarpointController
Creates a new game in the state initialized.
createGameFinishedAnimationPainter(StarpointController, Rectangle) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterFactory
createGameInfo(int, String) - Method in class com.starpoints.StarpointController
Creates a new GameInfo for the given number of players.
createGameMenuPainterSet(Rectangle) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterFactory
createGameMessagePainter(Rectangle) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterFactory
createGameOptionsPainterSet(Rectangle) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterFactory
createGameStateReplay() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Game
createGameStateReplay() - Method in class com.starpoints.league.LeagueGame
createItem(ItemInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Game
Creates an item for the given ItemInfo with the given energy and maxenergy.
createItem(String) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Game
Creates an item for the given ItemClass.
createLevelSetSelectionPainterSet(Rectangle) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterFactory
createMenuPainterSet(StarpointController, Rectangle) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterFactory
createMessagePainter(Rectangle) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterFactory
createNetworkMenuPainterSet(Rectangle) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterFactory
createNewLevelSet() - Method in class com.starpoints.editor.StarpointEditor
Creates a new level set.
createOptionsPainterSet(StarpointController, Rectangle) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterFactory
createOrGetPointAnimation(Point) - Method in class com.starpoints.animation.AnimationInfo
Gets or creates an Animation for the given Point.
createOrGetSlotAnimations(FigureState) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterPlayerInfos
createPainterControlButtons(StarpointController, Rectangle) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterFactory
createPainterCredits(Rectangle) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterFactory
createPainterDimmer(Rectangle) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterFactory
createPainterGameDimmer(StarpointController, Rectangle) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterFactory
createPainterGameMenu(StarpointController, Rectangle) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterFactory
createPainterInventory(StarpointController, Rectangle) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterFactory
createPainterKeyboard(StarpointController, Rectangle) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterFactory
createPainterLeagueBoard(StarpointController, Rectangle) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterFactory
createPainterLeaguePlayers(StarpointController, Rectangle) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterFactory
createPainterLevelInfo(Rectangle) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterFactory
createPainterLevelIntro(Rectangle) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterFactory
createPainterMenu(StarpointController, Rectangle) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterFactory
createPainterMenuKeyboard(StarpointController, Rectangle) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterFactory
createPainterMenuSavedGames(StarpointController, Rectangle) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterFactory
createPainterMenuText(Rectangle) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterFactory
createPainterNetworkMenu(StarpointController, Rectangle) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterFactory
createPainterOptionsMenu(StarpointController, Rectangle) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterFactory
createPainterPlayerInfo(StarpointController, Rectangle) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterFactory
createPainterShop(StarpointController, Rectangle) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterFactory
createPainterSkinSelection(StarpointController, Rectangle) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterFactory
createPainterTutorial(Rectangle) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterFactory
createPlayerFigure(int, FigureInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Game
Creates a player figure
createPlayerFigure(int, FigureInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.league.LeagueGame
Creates a player figure.
createRandomFog() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Level
Gets a random fog.
createRocket(AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.BigBossDrone
Creates a rocket
createRocket(AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.Rocketeer
Creates a rocket depending on this rocketeers itemNr.
createSavedGameSelectionPainterSet(Rectangle) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterFactory
createSkinSelectionPainterSet(Rectangle) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterFactory
createState() - Method in class com.starpoints.editor.StarpointEditor
Creates a GameState object representing the current state of the game.
createState() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Game
Creates a GameState object representing the current state of the game.
createState() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Shop
Creates this shops state.
createState() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.ShopItemInfo
Creates a state object for this ShopItemInfo.
createState() - Method in class com.starpoints.league.LeagueGame
Creates a GameState object representing the current state of the game.
createState(AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Figure
Creates a state object for this item.
createState(AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Fog
Creates a state object for this item.
createState(AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Item
Creates a state object for this item.
createState(AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.ItemPermanent
Creates a state object for this item.
createState(AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Level
Creates a GameState object representing the current state of the game.
createState(AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.PlayerFigure
Creates a state object for this item.
createState(AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Thing
createState(AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.league.LeagueFigure
Creates a state object for this league figure.
createState(Map<Integer, FigureState>, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Field
createState(Map<Integer, FigureState>, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Point
Creates a state object for this point.
Credits - com.starpoints.StarpointMode
creditTexts - Variable in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterCredits
currentColor - Variable in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterText
The current color during painting.
currentFont - Variable in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterText
The current font during painting.
currentLevel - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.Game
The current Level.
currentLevelHasFlashAnimation() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Game
Checks, if the current level has a flash animation.
currentLevelInfo - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.Game
The current Levelinfo.
currentOpacity - Variable in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterText
The current color opacity for painting.
currentSchemeIndex - Variable in class com.starpoints.SoundFx
Default sound scheme.
currentSoundScheme - Variable in class com.starpoints.SoundFx
Default sound scheme.
currentState - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.Game
The current game state
currentState - Variable in class com.starpoints.network.StarpointNetworkHandler
Last update for server.
currentUpdate - Variable in class com.starpoints.Replayer
The current update during replay.
curveEndIndex(ThingState) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.arena2D.PainterItemRocket
curveImageName(ItemState, ItemMove, Direction, Direction, int) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.arena2D.PainterItemRocket
Gets the curve image name.
curveStartIndex(ThingState) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.arena2D.PainterItemRocket
CUSTOM_LEVEL_INIFILE - Static variable in class com.starpoints.StarpointController
Filename for editor ini file.
cyan - Static variable in class com.starpoints.Colors
Cyan color.
cyanCounter - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.Effects
Counter for cyan effect.
cyanProb - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.LevelInfo
Probability in percent for new items, if a figure enters a cyan point. 18 per default.
cyanProb - Variable in class com.starpoints.painter.editor.PainterLevelProps


Damage - com.starpoints.game.ItemCategory
danger - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.figure.CleverComputerFigure
Flag, if a danger - either active rocket or bigmine - was detected on the field.
danger - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.figure.TemporaryRatingModifierMK2
Flag, if modifier indicates danger.
dangerProb - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.ShopInfo
Probability of negative dealer effect - default is 0.
darkblue - Static variable in class com.starpoints.Colors
Dark blue color.
darkbluePoints - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.Effects
Stores the last hit darkblue point seperately for each figure.
darker(int) - Static method in class com.starpoints.Colors
Gets a darker version of a color (reducing every color value by 20%).
darkgray - Static variable in class com.starpoints.Colors
Dark gray color.
darkgreen - Static variable in class com.starpoints.Colors
Dark green color.
darkred - com.starpoints.game.ShieldType
Shield against item losses.
darkred - Static variable in class com.starpoints.Colors
Dark red color.
data - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.FlashInfo
DEBUG - Static variable in class com.starpoints.editor.StarpointEditor
Debug flag.
DEBUG - Static variable in class com.starpoints.game.figure.RatingModifier
Debug flag.
DEBUG - Static variable in class com.starpoints.game.figure.RatingModifierMK2
Debug flag.
DEBUG - Static variable in class com.starpoints.game.Game
Debug flag.
DEBUG - Static variable in class com.starpoints.game.Item
Debug flag.
DEBUG - Static variable in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemBigMine
Debug flag.
DEBUG - Static variable in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemDoubleShields
Debug flag.
DEBUG - Static variable in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemGrayBlocker
Debug flag.
DEBUG - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemRocket
Debug flag.
DEBUG - Static variable in class com.starpoints.game.Level
Debug flag.
DEBUG - Static variable in class com.starpoints.game.Thing
Debug flag.
DEBUG - Static variable in class com.starpoints.painter.editor.PainterFlashAnimationEditor
DEBUG - Static variable in class com.starpoints.painter.editor.PainterLevelOverview
Debug flag.
DEBUG - Static variable in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterBase
Debug flag.
DEBUG - Static variable in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterGraphicSoundOptions
DEBUG - Static variable in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterLeagueBoard
Debug flag.
DEBUG - Static variable in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterLeagueOptions
DEBUG - Static variable in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterLeaguePlayers
Debug flag.
DEBUG - Static variable in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterNetworkMenu
Debug flag.
DEBUG - Static variable in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterOptions
Debug flag.
DEBUG - Static variable in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterSkinSelection
Debug flag.
DEBUG_DETAIL - Static variable in class com.starpoints.painter.editor.PainterLevelOverview
Debug flag.
DEBUG_IQ - Static variable in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterLeaguePlayers
Debug flag.
DEBUG_ROUNDS - Static variable in class com.starpoints.game.Game
Debug flag.
DEBUG_TIMING - Static variable in class com.starpoints.StarpointController
DEBUG flag for console output during best move replay.
DEBUGDETAIL2 - Static variable in class com.starpoints.game.figure.CleverComputerFigureMK2
Debug flag for detailed pointrating output.
DEFAULT_FIGURE_PAINTERCLASS - Static variable in class com.starpoints.game.Figure
Default class for figure painting.
DEFAULT_ITEM_PAINTERCLASS - Static variable in class com.starpoints.game.Item
Default class for item painting.
DEFAULT_LIGHTS_INDEX - Static variable in class com.starpoints.game.Skin
Fitting light indices for default color skins.
DEFAULT_SKINS - Static variable in class com.starpoints.game.Skin
Standard skins with different colors, no additional shieldings and ram power, 5 slots, 200/250 energy, no money.
defaultSoundScheme - Static variable in class com.starpoints.SoundFx
Default sound scheme.
delayer - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.Point
The source of a delayed explosion.
delayExplosionLength - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.Point
Length of delayed explosions.
delayExplosionPower - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.Point
Explosion power for delayed explosions.
delayExplosionRadius - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.Point
Radius of delayed explosions.
delete - Variable in class com.starpoints.painter.editor.PainterLevelOverview
deleteLevel() - Method in class com.starpoints.editor.StarpointEditor
Deletes the currently selected level.
deselect() - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.editor.ImageButton
destroyed - com.starpoints.game.Status
Thing is destroyed.
DESTRUCTION_BONUS - Static variable in class com.starpoints.game.BonusManager
determineAvailableClips() - Static method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemRandomTune
Determines the number of available clips per mode.
determineGameWinner(List<PlayerFigure>) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Game
Gets the winner of the last game.
determineIQ(int) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Figure
Determines the real figures iq depending on the difficulty level.
determineIQ(FigureInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Figure
Determines the real figures iq depending on the difficulty level.
determineItemUsage() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.CleverComputerFigure
Checks, if the figure wants to use an item it carries around.
determineItemUsage() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.CleverComputerFigureMK2
Checks, if the figure wants to use an item it carries around.
determineLevelOverMessages(boolean, BonusDescriptor) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Game
Creates the list of messages to display after level is over.
determineLevelOverMessages(boolean, BonusDescriptor) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Tutorial
Creates the list of messages to display after level is over.
determineLevelOverString(Figure) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Game
Returns a string describing the last levels result.
determineLevelWinner() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Game
Gets the winner of the last level.
determineNextExtraLifeCount(long) - Static method in class com.starpoints.game.Game
Determines the next point count, at which this figure gets an extra life.
determineScalingConstants(GameState) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterPlayerInfos
Sets the scaling factors and sizes of single panels.
determineViewpoint(Figure) - Method in class com.starpoints.Replayer
Determines the initial viewpoint and sightdirection.
detonate(AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemBigMine
Makes the BigMine detonate, if count down ends.
detonate(AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemMine
Lets the mine detonate.
detonate(Point, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemDropRocket
Makes all figures directly around the detonation lose 1 to 3 items, depending on this rockets energy.
detonate(Point, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemGrayRocket
Colors all fields around the detonation point dark gray.
detonate(Point, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemHeatRocket
Detonates with a radius depending on the rockets energy and heats up the points in the detoon radius.
detonate(Point, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemRocket
Detonates with a radius depending on the rockets energy.
detonate(Point, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemSwirlRocket
Lets all points in a 3 point radius start to swirl colors.
detonating - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemRocket
Flag, if currently detonating.
DIALOG - Static variable in class com.starpoints.graphics.Font
Name Constant for Dialog font.
DIALOG_10 - Static variable in class com.starpoints.graphics.Font
A Dialog font with a size of 10.
DIALOG_10P - Static variable in class com.starpoints.graphics.Font
A plain Dialog font with a size of 10.
DIALOG_11 - Static variable in class com.starpoints.graphics.Font
A Dialog font with a size of 11.
DIALOG_12 - Static variable in class com.starpoints.graphics.Font
A Dialog font with a size of 12.
DIALOG_14 - Static variable in class com.starpoints.graphics.Font
A Dialog font with a size of 14.
DIALOG_16 - Static variable in class com.starpoints.graphics.Font
A Dialog font with a size of 16.
DIALOG_18 - Static variable in class com.starpoints.graphics.Font
A Dialog font with a size of 18.
DIALOG_20 - Static variable in class com.starpoints.graphics.Font
A Dialog font with a size of 20.
DIALOG_24 - Static variable in class com.starpoints.graphics.Font
A Dialog font with a size of 24.
DIALOG_28 - Static variable in class com.starpoints.graphics.Font
A Dialog font with a size of 28.
DIALOG_30 - Static variable in class com.starpoints.graphics.Font
A Dialog font with a size of 30.
DIALOG_36 - Static variable in class com.starpoints.graphics.Font
A Dialog font with a size of 30.
DIALOG_40 - Static variable in class com.starpoints.graphics.Font
A Dialog font with a size of 40.
DIALOG_48 - Static variable in class com.starpoints.graphics.Font
A Dialog font with a size of 48.
DIALOG_60 - Static variable in class com.starpoints.graphics.Font
A Dialog font with a size of 60.
DIALOG_72 - Static variable in class com.starpoints.graphics.Font
A Dialog font with a size of 72.
DIALOG_8 - Static variable in class com.starpoints.graphics.Font
A Dialog font with a size of 8.
die(Thing, DieReason, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Figure
Sets the status of the thing to exploding (if it is not invulnerabe).
die(Thing, DieReason, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Item
Calls the onBeforeDie()-method of subclasses.
die(Thing, DieReason, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemAsteroidSpawner
Does nothing.
die(Thing, DieReason, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemBigMine
Sets the status of the thing to exploding (if it is not invulnerabe).
die(Thing, DieReason, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemMine
Sets the status of the thing to exploding (if it is not invulnerabe).
die(Thing, DieReason, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemRocket
Explodes, if INACTIVE, otherwise detonate.
die(Thing, DieReason, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.ItemPermanent
Removes the item as listener.
die(Thing, DieReason, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Thing
Sets the status of the thing to exploding (if it is not invulnerabe).
dieListener - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.Figure
A list of figure event listeners
dieReason - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.Figure
The die reason of the figure.
dieReason - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.Item
The reason why this item dies.
DieReason - Enum in com.starpoints.game
Enumeration for energyloss and death reasons during game.
DifficultyLevel - Enum in com.starpoints.game
Enumeration for difficulty level.
difficultyMenuEntry - Variable in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterOptions
dim() - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterDimmer
Sets the thickness to 2.
dim(int) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterDimmer
Sets the thickness to the given thickness.
dir - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemMud
Move direction.
directFlash - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.LevelInfo
Flag, if no flash fx to next level should be shown.
Direction - Enum in com.starpoints.game
Enumeration for directions
displayError(String) - Method in class com.starpoints.network.StarpointNetworkHandler
Displays an error message
displayImageFromFormatString(Graphics) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.editor.PainterEditorHelp
Displays an image according to a format string.
displayImageFromFormatString(Graphics) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterText
Displays an image according to a format string.
displayInSlot - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.ItemPermanent
Flag, if item has an image to display on the figure in 2D
displayInSlot() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.ItemPermanent
Called to determine if item has an image to display on the figure in 2D display.
displayMessage(String) - Method in class com.starpoints.network.StarpointNetworkHandler
Displays a message via Controller.
displayMessage(String, int, MessagePosition, int, FontSize) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Game
Displays a message by calling controllers displayMessage.
displayMessage(String, int, MessagePosition, int, FontSize) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Level
Fires a displayMessage event to all listeners.
displayMessage(String, int, MessagePosition, int, FontSize) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterMessageText
Displays a message on the gui.
displayMessage(String, int, MessagePosition, int, FontSize) - Method in class com.starpoints.StarpointController
Displays a message on the Message Painter.
displayText(String) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Thing
Displays a text at the thing.
displayText(String) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterText
Adds the text to the list.
displayText(String, int) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Thing
Displays a text at the figure.
dispose() - Method in class com.starpoints.StarpointController
Disoses the UIUpdater thread.
doCalculateNextPoint() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.ComputerFigure
This is called once each round to determine the next point the figure wants to occupy.
doCalculateNextPoint() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.BigBoss
This method is called each round, to get the next point for this figure when playing.
doCalculateNextPoint() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.BigBossDrone
This method is called each round, to get the next point for this figure when playing.
doCalculateNextPoint() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.BigBossDuck
This method is called each round, to get the next point for this figure when playing.
doCalculateNextPoint() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.CleverComputerFigureMK2
This is called once each round to determine the next point the figure wants to occupy.
doCalculateNextPoint() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Figure
Default implementation.
doDetonate() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemBigMine
Performs the detonation.
doDetonate() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemChainExplosion
Starts a chain explosion.
doDetonate() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemHeatMine
Detonates by heating up points in a 4 point radius.
doDetonate() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemVeryBigMine
Detonates with a 4 point radius.
doDetonate() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemVeryVeryBigMine
Detonates with 5 points radius.
dontKill - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.LevelInfo
Flag, if the level forbids killing other enemies.
doSpecialUpdate(AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.ComputerFigure
Special updates.
doSpecialUpdate(AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.BigBoss
Updates after each round.
doSpecialUpdate(AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.BigBossDrone
This method is called at the end of the regular updateThing()-method.
doSpecialUpdate(AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.BigBossDuck
Updates after each round.
doSpecialUpdate(AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.BlasterTank
This method is called at the end of the regular updateThing()-method.
doSpecialUpdate(AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.BlueChrystalFigure
This method is called at the end of the regular updateThing()-method.
doSpecialUpdate(AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.BlueCrawler
This method is called at the end of the regular updateThing()-method.
doSpecialUpdate(AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.ChaosDuck
Special updates.
doSpecialUpdate(AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.ChrystalMonster
This method is called at the end of the regular updateThing()-method.
doSpecialUpdate(AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.CleverComputerFigure
This method is called at the end of the regular updateThing()-method.
doSpecialUpdate(AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.CleverComputerFigureMK2
This method is called at the end of the regular updateThing()-method.
doSpecialUpdate(AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Figure
This method is called at the end of the regular updateThing()-method.
doSpecialUpdate(AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.FlameBall
This method is called at the end of the regular updateThing()-method.
doSpecialUpdate(AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.LaserTower
This method is called at the end of the regular updateThing()-method.
doSpecialUpdate(AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.MrBlack
Sets the point MrBlack is on to color black.
doSpecialUpdate(AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.Rocketeer
This method is called at the end of the regular updateThing()-method.
doSpecialUpdate(AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.SantaClaus
This method is called at the end of the regular updateThing()-method.
doSpecialUpdate(AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.SuperTank
This method is called at the end of the regular updateThing()-method.
doSpecialUpdate(AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.SuperTankMK2
This method is called at the end of the regular updateThing()-method.
doSpecialUpdate(AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.SwampGhost
This method is called at the end of the regular updateThing()-method.
doSpecialUpdate(AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.Tank
This method is called at the end of the regular updateThing()-method.
doSpecialUpdate(AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Item
Performs the update in each round in overridden classes.
doSpecialUpdate(AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemBigMine
If the state is TOBEDROPPED, the bomb is placed on the droppoint, and the audio clip set in the clipStr variable is played.
doSpecialUpdate(AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemChainExplosion
Updates the radius, if active.
doSpecialUpdate(AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemCode
Called each round, if the code is hold by a figure.
doSpecialUpdate(AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemDriller
Performs the update in each round in overridden classes.
doSpecialUpdate(AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemExplosion
Updates this thing after each round.
doSpecialUpdate(AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemFireExtinguisher
Resets the used flag.
doSpecialUpdate(AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemHeatRocket
Changes the color.
doSpecialUpdate(AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemHoverPower
Resets the used flag.
doSpecialUpdate(AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemMine
Places a new mine on the field if the user dropped one or lets the mine detonate, if a figure comes near.
doSpecialUpdate(AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemMoney
Performs the update in each round in overridden classes.
doSpecialUpdate(AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemMystery
Switches images.
doSpecialUpdate(AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemRocket
Recalculates the target and target line.
doSpecialUpdate(AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemRocketGeneratorBoost
Performs the update in each round .
doSpecialUpdate(AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemRocketGeneratorBoostFast
Performs the update in each round .
doSpecialUpdate(AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemSatellite
Performs the update in each round in overridden classes.
doSpecialUpdate(AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemSecretLevel
Performs the update in each round.
doSpecialUpdate(AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemShielding
Performs the update in each round in overridden classes.
doSpecialUpdate(AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemSwirlRocket
Changes the items colors each round.
doSpecialUpdate(AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.ItemPermanent
Performs the update in each round in overridden classes.
doSpecialUpdate(AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.PlayerFigure
Special updates.
doStopClip(int) - Method in class com.starpoints.SoundFx
Stops a clip by calling the SoundContext.
dotFlag - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemECM
Flag for dot fx on rocket target lines.
Down - com.starpoints.game.Direction
Value for down.
DOWN - Static variable in class com.starpoints.game.figure.ChaosDuck
Constant for flame thrower animation.
DOWN - Static variable in class com.starpoints.game.Figure
Direction constant for positive y direction.
DOWNLEFT - Static variable in class com.starpoints.game.figure.ChaosDuck
Constant for flame thrower animation.
draw(Graphics, String, int, int, int, Font) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterBase
Draws a string on a virtual 20*25 coordinate system.
draw(Graphics, String, int, int, int, Font, int) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterMenu
Draws a string on a virtual 20*25 coordinate system.
draw(Graphics, String, int, int, Font) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterCredits
Draws a string in the given color.
DRAW_ENERGY_AS_CIRCLE - Variable in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterPlayerInfos
DRAW_ENERGYS_AS_CIRCLE - Variable in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterPlayerInfos
DRAW_HEAT_AS_CIRCLE - Variable in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterPlayerInfos
DRAW_HEATS_AS_CIRCLE - Variable in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterPlayerInfos
DRAW_STATEBARS_VERTICAL - Variable in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterPlayerInfos
DRAW_STATEBARSS_VERTICAL - Variable in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterPlayerInfos
drawAmount(Graphics, MenuEntry, int) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.editor.PainterMenuHorizontal
Draws an indication for the number of appearances for a menu entry.
drawAsTarget() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Point
After calling this method, the point will be drawn with a target cross this round.
drawBackgroundImage(Graphics) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterMenu
Draws the background image.
DRAWDEBUG - Static variable in class com.starpoints.game.figure.CleverComputerFigureMK2
Debug flags that draws the clever figures current target point and ratings on the field.
drawDuration - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.ItemPermanent
Flag, if the duration should be drawn on game display (or cockpit).
drawEnergy(Graphics, int, int, int) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterPlayerInfos
Draws the energy level
drawEnergyBar(Graphics) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.editor.PainterFlashAnimationItems
Draws the energy bar.
drawEnergyBar(Graphics, int, int) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterPlayerInfos
drawEnergyCircle(Graphics, int, int) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterPlayerInfos
drawEnergyFx(Graphics, GameState, ItemState, int, int, double) - Static method in class com.starpoints.painter.arena2D.PainterItem
Draws the energy fx.
drawFigureInfo(Graphics, GameState, FigureState, int, boolean, int) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterPlayerInfos
Draws the figure info (name, points ).
drawHeating(Graphics, FigureState, int, int) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterPlayerInfos
Draws the heat level
drawHeatingBar(Graphics, FigureState, int, int) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterPlayerInfos
Draws the heat level as bar.
drawHeatingCircle(Graphics, FigureState, int, int) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterPlayerInfos
Draws the heat level as circle.
drawHorizontalStateBar(Graphics, int, int, int, int, String, double) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterPlayerInfos
drawImage(Graphics, String, int) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterCredits
Draws an image.
drawImageCentered(String, int, int) - Method in class com.starpoints.graphics.Graphics
Draws the image centered.
drawImageCentered(String, int, int, double) - Method in class com.starpoints.graphics.Graphics
Draws the image centered and scaled.
drawImageCentered(String, int, int, double, double) - Method in interface com.starpoints.GraphicContext
Draws an image centered to the given coordinates and scaled by the given scaling factors.
drawImageFrame(Graphics, MenuEntry, int) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.editor.PainterLevelEnemies
Draw a frame around an menu image
drawImageFrame(Graphics, MenuEntry, int) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.editor.PainterMenuHorizontal
Draw a frame around an menu image
drawItem(Graphics, int, ItemState, int) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterPlayerInfos
Draws the Item.
drawLifes(Graphics, FigureState, int) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterPlayerInfos
Draws the players lifes.
drawLine(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface com.starpoints.GraphicContext
Draws a line.
drawLine(int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.starpoints.graphics.Graphics
Draws a line.
drawMaxEnergy(Graphics, GameState, FigureState, int) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterPlayerInfos
Draws the max energy level
drawMaxEnergyBar(Graphics, GameState) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.editor.PainterFlashAnimationItems
Draws the energy maximum bar.
drawMaxEnergyBar(Graphics, GameState, FigureState, int) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterPlayerInfos
Draws the max energy level as bar.
drawMaxEnergyCircle(Graphics, FigureState, int) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterPlayerInfos
Draws the max energy level as circle.
drawNumber - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.FigureInfo
Flag, if number is draw on figure
drawOval(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface com.starpoints.GraphicContext
Draws an oval.
drawOval(int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.starpoints.graphics.Graphics
Draws an oval.
drawPlayerPanel(Graphics, int, int) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterPlayerInfos
drawPointExplosion(Graphics, PointState, int, int, int) - Static method in class com.starpoints.painter.Painter2DArena
Performs explosion routine when painting the point.
drawPointHeating(Graphics, PointState, GameState, int, int) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.Painter2DArena
Paints a heating effect.
drawProbability(SelectionMenuEntry) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.editor.PainterFlashAnimationItems
Checks, if probability string is drawn.
drawProbability(SelectionMenuEntry) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.editor.PainterFlashAnimationPlanets
drawProbability(SelectionMenuEntry) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.editor.PainterLevelColors
drawProbability(SelectionMenuEntry) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.editor.PainterLevelEnemies
drawProbability(SelectionMenuEntry) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.editor.PainterLevelFogs
drawProbability(SelectionMenuEntry) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.editor.PainterLevelItems
drawProbability(SelectionMenuEntry) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.editor.PainterMenuHorizontal
Checks, if the probability string should be drawn for the menu item.
drawProbability(SelectionMenuEntry) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.editor.PainterShopItems
drawRect(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface com.starpoints.GraphicContext
Draws a rect.
drawRect(int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.starpoints.graphics.Graphics
Draws a rect.
drawRoundBar(Graphics, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, double, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterPlayerInfos
drawShaded(Graphics, String, int, int, int, int, Font) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.arena2D.PainterThing
Draws a shaded string.
drawShaded(Graphics, String, int, int, int, int, Font) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterBase
Draws a shaded string.
drawShaded(Graphics, String, int, int, int, Font) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterBase
Draws a shaded string.
drawSlots(Graphics, FigureState, int, int) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterPlayerInfos
Draws the inventory.
drawState - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.FigureInfo
Flag, if state is draw on figure
drawState() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.BlueChrystalFigure
Checks, if the figure draws items and on figure shielding in 2D
drawState() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Figure
Checks, if the figure draws items and figure shielding.
drawState() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.GreenWizzFigure
Checks, if the figure draws items and on figure shielding in 2D
drawState(Graphics, GameState, FigureState, int, int) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterPlayerInfos
Draws shielding etc.
drawStateBars(Graphics, GameState, FigureState, int) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterPlayerInfos
Draws the state indicators for shielding, hover, invisibility and invulnerability.
drawString(String, int, int, Font) - Method in interface com.starpoints.GraphicContext
Draws a string.
drawString(String, int, int, Font) - Method in class com.starpoints.graphics.Graphics
Draws a string.
drawStringCentered(Graphics, String, int, int, int, int, Font) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.arena2D.PainterThing
drawStringCentered(Graphics, String, int, int, int, int, Font) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterPlayerInfos
drawVerticalStateBar(Graphics, int, int, int, int, String, double) - Method in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterPlayerInfos
dropFlag - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemSatellite
Needed for correct listener removal by self-inflicted drop.
DropMaster - Class in com.starpoints.game.figure
Rocketeer enemy that fires drop rockets.
DropMaster(Game, FigureInfo) - Constructor for class com.starpoints.game.figure.DropMaster
Creates a new Drop Master.
dropPoint - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemBigMine
The point to be dropped on.
dropPoint - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemMine
The point on which the user used the mine.
dropPoint - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemRocket
The point on which the user fired the rocket.
DROPROCKET - Static variable in class com.starpoints.game.figure.Rocketeer
Constant for drop rocket.
DROPROCKET - Static variable in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemRocketeer
Constant for drop rocket.
DROPROCKET - Static variable in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemRocketGenerator
Constant for ItemDropRocket.
duration - Variable in class com.starpoints.animation.Animation
The duration in updates this animation object should be kept in the AnimationInfo.
duration - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.figure.TemporaryRatingModifierMK2
The duration.
duration - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.ItemPermanent
The duration.


Easy - com.starpoints.game.DifficultyLevel
Easy mode.
Edit - com.starpoints.editor.EditorClickMode
Edit mode.
editingEnemy - Variable in class com.starpoints.editor.StarpointEditor
Currently selected enemy.
editingFog - Variable in class com.starpoints.editor.StarpointEditor
Currently selected for.
editingItem - Variable in class com.starpoints.editor.StarpointEditor
Currently selected item.
EditingMode - Enum in com.starpoints.editor
Enum for the current mode in Level editor.
Editor - com.starpoints.StarpointMode
Level Editor.
EditorClickMode - Enum in com.starpoints.editor
Click mode when editing.
EFFECT_BUBBLES - Static variable in class com.starpoints.painter.Painter2DArena
Constant for painting bubble energy fx.
EFFECT_DOTS - Static variable in class com.starpoints.painter.Painter2DArena
Constant for painting dot energy fx.
Effects - Class in com.starpoints.game
Handles the color effects during the game.
Effects(SoundFx) - Constructor for class com.starpoints.game.Effects
Creates a new Effects.
EffectsInfo - Class in com.starpoints.game
EffectsInfo() - Constructor for class com.starpoints.game.EffectsInfo
EMPTY - Static variable in class com.starpoints.animation.AnimationInfo
Empty Animaton singleton.
EMPTY - Static variable in class com.starpoints.state.GameState
An empty GameState.
EmptyAnimationInfo - Class in com.starpoints.animation
Empty AnimationInfo dummy for off-game Thing methodcalls.
EmptyAnimationInfo(int) - Constructor for class com.starpoints.animation.EmptyAnimationInfo
Creates a new EmptyAnimationInfo.
endIndex - Variable in class com.starpoints.animation.BackgroundAnimation
The end index.
endIndex - Variable in class com.starpoints.animation.BackgroundImageInfo
The end index withing the BackgroundAnimation until this image is shown.
ENEMIES - Static variable in class com.starpoints.io.LevelReader
Line identifier for level enemies.
ENEMIES - Static variable in class com.starpoints.io.LevelWriter
Line identifier for level enemies.
enemy - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.figure.EnemyRatingModifierMK2
The enemy.
Enemy - com.starpoints.editor.EditingMode
Enemy editing.
ENEMY_NEARBY - Static variable in class com.starpoints.game.figure.CleverComputerFigure
Hurrying reason bit value for a dangerous enemy nearby.
EnemyInfo - Class in com.starpoints.game
Represents the info about an enemy in the LevelInfo.
EnemyInfo(String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.starpoints.game.EnemyInfo
Creates a new EnemyInfo.
enemyInfos - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.LevelInfo
List of enemy info.
enemyIQ - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.LevelInfo
The enemies iq.
EnemyRatingModifierMK2 - Class in com.starpoints.game.figure
Point Rating Modifier for enemy danger calculation for CleverComputerFigure.
EnemyRatingModifierMK2(CleverComputerFigureMK2, Figure) - Constructor for class com.starpoints.game.figure.EnemyRatingModifierMK2
Creates a RocketRatingModifier.
enemySpeed - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.LevelInfo
The enemies speed.
energy - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.EnemyInfo
The enemies energy.
energy - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.Thing
The current energy level of this thing.
energy - Variable in class com.starpoints.state.ThingState
Energy - com.starpoints.game.ItemCategory
ENERGY_FACTOR - Static variable in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterPlayerInfos
Factor for energy bar, players energy is divided by factor to calculate energy bar width.
ENERGY_FACTORS - Variable in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterPlayerInfos
energyBoost - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemRocketGeneratorBoost
The energy boost.
energyChange - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.EnergyModifier
The energy change.
energyCounts - Variable in class com.starpoints.painter.editor.PainterFlashAnimationItems
Numbers corresponding to the energy entries.
energyEntries - Variable in class com.starpoints.painter.editor.PainterFlashAnimationItems
Energy entries.
energyFactor - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.ItemPermanent
Used for default duration calculation.
energyFx - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.Thing
Flag, if energy max fx should be performed.
ENERGYFX_X_RADIUS - Static variable in class com.starpoints.painter.Painter2DArena
x Radius for regeneration fx.
ENERGYFX_Y_RADIUS - Static variable in class com.starpoints.painter.Painter2DArena
y Radius for regeneration fx.
energyGain - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemEnergyPlusSuper
The energy gain per round for the owner.
energyGainSoundOn - Variable in class com.starpoints.SoundFx
Stores the current energy gain sound level for the current round.
energylistener - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.Figure
A list of figure event listeners
energyloss - com.starpoints.game.DieReason
Energy losses caused by ItemEnergyLosses.
energyLoss - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemRatPoison
The energy loss per round for the owner.
energyMaxSoundPlayed - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.Thing
Flag, if sound for reached energy maximum was played
energyModifications - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.Thing
A list of energy modifications during one round.
EnergyModifier - Class in com.starpoints.game
Represents an energy modification during game.
EnergyModifier(int, Thing, DieReason) - Constructor for class com.starpoints.game.EnergyModifier
Creates a new Energy modifier.
entersColor(int, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Figure
Called to check, if the figure is affected by a color when entering a point.
entersColor(int, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Thing
Called, if the thing occupies a point with the given color.
entersColor(Figure, int, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Item
Called, if the figure enters a point.
entersColor(Figure, int, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemGrayBlocker
Called, if the figure enters a black, blue or gray point.
entersColor(Figure, int, AnimationInfo) - Method in interface com.starpoints.game.listener.FigureColorListener
Called, if the figure enters a point.
entersExplosion() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.ComputerFigure
Checks, if this figure wants to enter an explosion.
entersExplosion() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.FlameBall
Checks, fi the figure wants to enter explosions.
entersExplosion(int) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.CleverComputerFigure
Checks, if this figure wants to enter an explosion.
enterShop() - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Shop
Stops the sound clip and switches the mode to Shop.
enterShop() - Method in class com.starpoints.StarpointController
Call to enter shop item with given index during game.
entries - Variable in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterMenu
Map of menu entries.
entries - Variable in class com.starpoints.ScoreList
The list of score entries.
entryCount - Variable in class com.starpoints.ScoreList
The number of entries for the list.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.BombRatingModifierMK2
equals(Object) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.EnemyRatingModifierMK2
equals(Object) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.figure.RocketRatingModifierMK2
equals(Object) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Point
Checks, if the other Object is a thing with the same id.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Thing
Checks, if the other Object is a thing with the same id.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.UpdateInfo
Checks, if the other object is an UpdateInfo with the same ID.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.starpoints.state.PointState
equals(Object) - Method in class com.starpoints.state.ThingState
exhausted - com.starpoints.game.DieReason
Destruction e.g. by being using up
exit() - Method in class com.starpoints.network.StarpointClient
Exits this client.
exit() - Method in class com.starpoints.network.StarpointNetworkHandler
Stops all server and client threads.
exit() - Method in class com.starpoints.StarpointController
Exits Starpoints, saves the high score list and shows the credits.
exitUpdateThread - Variable in class com.starpoints.editor.StarpointEditor
Flag for keeping updater thread running.
exitX - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemAbstractChrystal
exitY - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemAbstractChrystal
explode(int, int, Thing) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Point
Lets the point explode for the number of length rounds with an explosion power of power.
explode(Point, int, int, int, boolean, Thing) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Effects
Lets the points within the given radius around the point p explode with the given power for the given number of rounds.
explode(Thing) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Point
Lets this point explode for 3 rounds with the fields default energy loss.
explodeDelayed(int, int, int, int, Thing) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Point
Lets the point explode after the given delay with the given explosion power for the given number of rounds with the given radius.
explodes(Figure, Thing, DieReason, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.BonusManager
explodes(Figure, Thing, DieReason, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.Item
Empty figure listener method.
explodes(Figure, Thing, DieReason, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemAntiKill
FigureListener method that prevents explosion.
explodes(Figure, Thing, DieReason, AnimationInfo) - Method in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemBlackBlocker
Figure listener method.
explodes(Figure, Thing, DieReason, AnimationInfo) - Method in interface com.starpoints.game.listener.FigureKillListener
Called, if the figure is destroyed.
exploding - com.starpoints.game.Status
Thing is exploding.
explosion - com.starpoints.game.DieReason
Loss by an explosion.
explosion - com.starpoints.game.ShieldType
Shield against explosion.
EXPLOSION - Static variable in class com.starpoints.painter.Explosions
Constant for die fx caused by explosion.
EXPLOSION_BONUS - Static variable in class com.starpoints.game.BonusManager
EXPLOSION_BONUSLIMIT - Static variable in class com.starpoints.game.BonusManager
explosionCounter - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.Thing
Counter for explosion effects.
explosionDuration - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemRocket
Duration of detonation.
explosionEnergyLoss - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.LevelInfo
The energy a figure will loose while standing on an exploding point per round.
explosionPower - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.Point
The current explosions power.
explosions - Static variable in class com.starpoints.painter.Explosions
Stores the explosion images
Explosions - Class in com.starpoints.painter
Class for showing explosion and other figure effect images.
Explosions() - Constructor for class com.starpoints.painter.Explosions
explosionsOffCounter - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.Effects
Counter for disabling explosions.
explosionsOn - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.Effects
Flag, if explosions are enabled.
explosionSoundOn - Variable in class com.starpoints.SoundFx
Stores the current explosion sound level for the current round.
explosionSource - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemBigMine
The source of the detonation.
explosionSource - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.Point
The source of an explosion on this point
extraLiveClip - Variable in class com.starpoints.SoundFx
The clip played for extra lives.
EXTRALIVES - Static variable in class com.starpoints.game.Game
Point values at which a player will get an extra life.
ExtraMusic - com.starpoints.sound.MusicMode
Extra music.


f - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.Effects
The current field.
factor - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.FlashInfo
factor - Variable in class com.starpoints.painter.arena2D.PainterItemBigMine
Scaling factor for the active overlay image. 1 as default.
factor - Variable in class com.starpoints.painter.arena2D.PainterItemSatellite
Radius factor for circle.
factor - Variable in class com.starpoints.painter.arena2D.PainterItemSecretLevel
Scaling factor for the active overlay image. 1 as default.
FACTOR - Static variable in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterLeagueBoard
Scaling factor.
FACTOR - Static variable in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterLeaguePlayers
Scaling factor.
FACTOR - Static variable in class com.starpoints.painter.PainterSkinSelection
Debug flag.
FADECOUNT - Static variable in class com.starpoints.game.Game
Duration of message fade mode changes in LevelIntro etc.
FadeIn - com.starpoints.game.ShopMode
Fade in animation.
FADEIN_MAXCOUNT - Static variable in class com.starpoints.game.Shop
Max counter for the fade in effect.
FadeInField - com.starpoints.game.Game.FlashState
FadeOut - com.starpoints.game.ShopMode
Mode while showing exit message.
FadeOutField - com.starpoints.game.Game.FlashState
failProb - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.ShopInfo
Probability of negative dealer effect - default is 0.
Fast - com.starpoints.game.SpeedLevel
Fast mode.
FAST_SPEED - Static variable in class com.starpoints.Options
Speed Constant for fast mode.
FASTROCKET - Static variable in class com.starpoints.game.figure.Rocketeer
Constant for fast rocket.
FASTROCKET - Static variable in class com.starpoints.game.item.ItemRocketGenerator
Constant for ItemFastRocket.
field - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.figure.RatingModifierMK2
Ratings for the points.
field - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.Fog
The field the fog is on.
field - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.Level
The field.
field - Variable in class com.starpoints.game.Point
The field this point is on.
Field - Class in com.starpoints.game
The field for a game of Starpoints.
Field(Level, LevelInfo) - Constructor for class com.starpoints.game.Field
Creates a field for the given level.
FIELD - Static variable in class com.starpoints.io.