Class Game

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    LeagueGame, StarpointEditor, Tutorial

    public class Game
    extends java.lang.Object
    The Starpoints game. Handles the different states during game. A game instance must be initialized with a game info, that contains information about the number of players etc. the game can than be started by calling one of the two methods:
    • startGame() to start a new game.
    • skipIntoGame(int l) to enter the game in a certain level
    After one of these two methods was called, frequent updates to the update()-method must be performed to update the game, until the isGameFinished() method returns true (which will be the case either after the game is over or finished). For correct game timing, the next call of the update method should be done after getTiming() milliseconds.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail


        public static final int MAX_LEVELOVERMODE
        Max counter for mode changes in LevelIntro etc.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int FADECOUNT
        Duration of message fade mode changes in LevelIntro etc.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int FLASH_FIGURE_COUNT
        Number of update cycles for fading out the old levels figures.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int FLASH_FADE_OUT_COUNT
        Number of update cycles for fading out the old level.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int FLASH_TO_NEXT_COUNT
        Number of update cycles during flash between two levels.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int FLASH_FADE_IN_COUNT
        Number of update cycles for fading in the new level.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int FLASH_ANIMATION_COUNT
        Number of update cycles for showing the animation to the next galaxy.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • thingNextID

        public int thingNextID
        Stores the (static) next thing id for saving (by serialization of the game).

        protected static int[] EXTRALIVES
        Point values at which a player will get an extra life.
      • playerFigures

        protected java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.Integer,​PlayerFigure> playerFigures
        Table storing all figures mapping ids to figures
      • currentLevel

        protected Level currentLevel
        The current Level.
      • currentLevelInfo

        protected AbstractLevelInfo currentLevelInfo
        The current Levelinfo.
      • levelCount

        protected int levelCount
        The number of the current level.
      • gameInfo

        protected GameInfo gameInfo
        The GameInfo.
      • mode

        protected GameMode mode
        Current state of the game.
      • fx

        protected Effects fx
        The effects for this game.
      • flashFx

        protected FlashEffects flashFx
        The flash effects for this game.
      • levelSet

        protected LevelSet levelSet
        The level set.
      • levelFigures

        protected java.util.List<Figure> levelFigures
        List of all figures in the current level.
      • levelPlayers

        protected java.util.List<PlayerFigure> levelPlayers
        List of player figures in the current level.
      • levelEnemies

        protected java.util.List<Figure> levelEnemies
        List of enemies in the current level.
      • isUpdating

        protected boolean isUpdating
        Flag, that is true during update routine.
      • gameWinner

        protected PlayerFigure gameWinner
        The games winner.
      • replay

        protected boolean replay
        Flag, if replay should be played for last level.
      • gameOverTexts

        protected java.util.LinkedList<java.lang.String> gameOverTexts
        List of texts to display after a level.
      • gameAnimation

        protected AnimationInfo gameAnimation
        The current game animation.
      • gameOverState

        protected gameOverState
        State for flashing.
      • modeCount

        protected int modeCount
        Counter for flashing.
      • flashAnimationIndex

        protected int flashAnimationIndex
        Number of flash animation. -1, if no animation is shown.
      • flashOldField

        protected Field flashOldField
        Last levels field for flashing.
      • message

        protected java.lang.String message
        The current game message.
      • scoreEntered

        protected int scoreEntered
        Flag, if one player reached the high score list. -1 if highscore list was not reached.
      • finalScore

        protected long finalScore
      • replayer

        protected Replayer replayer
        The Replayer.
      • bonusManager

        protected BonusManager bonusManager
        The Replayer.
      • shop

        protected Shop shop
        The shop if in shop mode, otherwise null.
      • gotExtraLife

        protected boolean gotExtraLife
        Flag, if the last levels winner gained an extra life.
      • maxStartLevel

        protected int maxStartLevel
        The highest level to select when starting game. Default is -1 for no free levels.
      • selectedLevel

        protected int selectedLevel
        Currently selected level index.
      • gameRoutine

        protected GameRoutine gameRoutine
        The game routine responsible for gameplay.
      • currentState

        protected GameState currentState
        The current game state
    • Constructor Detail

      • Game

        public Game​(StarpointController context,
                    GameInfo gameInfo)
        Creates a new game. Player figures are initialized.
        context - The application context.
        gameInfo - The GameInfo.
    • Method Detail

      • initializeGameComponents

        protected void initializeGameComponents()
        Initializes game routine, bonus manager etc.
      • createPlayerFigure

        protected PlayerFigure createPlayerFigure​(int i,
                                                  FigureInfo figureInfo)
        Creates a player figure
        i - The figure number.
        figureInfo - The playerfigure info.
        The PlayerFigure.
      • initializeLevelSet

        protected void initializeLevelSet()
        Initializes the LevelSet from the Level ini file.
      • initializeFlashAnimations

        public void initializeFlashAnimations()
        Initializes the list of flash animations from level set.
      • initializeNextLevel

        protected Level initializeNextLevel​(LevelInfo nextLevel)
        Initializes the next level for the given LevelInfo.
        nextLevel - LevelInfo.
        the level.
      • placeFogs

        protected void placeFogs​(Level l)
        Randomly places fogs in the level.
        l - the level.
      • placeItems

        protected void placeItems​(Level l)
        Places random at defined items in the level.
        l - the level.
      • readNextLevelInfo

        protected AbstractLevelInfo readNextLevelInfo()
        Reads the next levelInfo from the specified ini file name.
        The next LevelInfo or null, if no next level exists.
      • getLevelInputStream

        protected getLevelInputStream()
        Gets the InputStream for reading level information.
        A resource input string from the controller to the game infos ini file.
      • getLevelResourceName

        protected java.lang.String getLevelResourceName()
        Gets the resource name for the LevelIni-File.
        The GameInfos level ini filename.
      • placeFiguresForLevel

        protected java.util.List<Figure> placeFiguresForLevel​(Level level)
        Places the figures on the field.
        level - The level
        The list of level figures.
      • createAndPlacePlayerFigures

        protected void createAndPlacePlayerFigures​(java.util.List<Figure> figures,
                                                   Field field,
                                                   java.util.Collection<java.lang.Integer> ids)
        Reinitializes and places the player figures for a new level.
        figures - The List of figures to add the created figures to.
        field - The field.
        ids - The list of figure ids.
      • reinitFigure

        protected void reinitFigure​(Field field,
                                    Figure fig)
        Reinitializes the figure for a new level.
        field - The field of the new level.
        fig - The figure.
      • placePlayerFigure

        protected void placePlayerFigure​(Figure f,
                                         Field field,
                                         int index)
        Places the figure on the field. Depending on the index, the figure is placed in one of the corners of the field, or randomly on an empty field for indexes higher than 3.
        f - The figure to place.
        field - The field.
        index - The players index.
      • createAndPlaceEnemyFigures

        protected void createAndPlaceEnemyFigures​(LevelInfo li,
                                                  java.util.List<Figure> figures,
                                                  Field field,
                                                  java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> ids)
        Initializes the enemy figures for a new level and places tham.
        li - The LevelInfo.
        figures - The list of figures to add the enemies to.
        field - The field.
        ids - A list of already placed figures ids.
      • findAndPlaceEnemy

        protected void findAndPlaceEnemy​(LevelInfo li,
                                         java.util.List<Figure> figures,
                                         Field field,
                                         java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> ids,
                                         EnemyInfo ei,
                                         int invulnerableRounds)
        Finds and places an enemy and adds it to the list of figures.
        li - level info.
        figures - List of figures
        field - The field
        ids - A list of already used enemy ids.
        ei - The enemy info object.
        invulnerableRounds - Number of rounds figure is invulnerable.
      • placeEnemyFigure

        protected boolean placeEnemyFigure​(Figure f,
                                           Field field,
                                           EnemyInfo enemyInfo)
        Places the enemy figures on the field. Depending on the index, the figure is placed in one of the corners of the field, or randomly on an empty field for indexes higher than 3.
        f - The Enemy.
        field - The field.
        enemyInfo - The EnemyInfo.
        true, if the point to place the figure on is unoccupied.
      • findEnemyInfoForClassName

        public FigureInfo findEnemyInfoForClassName​(java.lang.String name)
        Returns the FigureInfo for a given enemy class
        name - The classname.
        The FigureInfo.
      • getLevelFigures

        public java.util.List<Figure> getLevelFigures()
        Return the list of figures in the current level.
        The list of figures.
      • createFigureFromInfo

        public Figure createFigureFromInfo​(FigureInfo figureInfo)
        Returns a new instance of a Figure of the given class. If the class cannot be found or another Exception occurs during figure creation, a normal dummy figure is returned.
        figureInfo - The info about the figure
        A figure of the desired class (s.a.)
      • isDuringLevel

        public boolean isDuringLevel()
        Checks, if the game routine is running.
        true for RoundBegin, RoundBeforeGettingMoves, RoundBeforeMoves, RoundBeforeUpdate
      • isSkippable

        public boolean isSkippable()
        Checks, if the current mode can be skipped by user.
        true for GameOver, LevelOver, -Intro, -Info and -Text
      • determineLevelWinner

        protected Figure determineLevelWinner()
        Gets the winner of the last level.
        The last levels winner or null for remis.
      • determineLevelOverString

        protected java.lang.String determineLevelOverString​(Figure lastWinner)
        Returns a string describing the last levels result.
        lastWinner - The last levels winner.
        A string that is used for the level dialog.
      • determineGameWinner

        protected PlayerFigure determineGameWinner​(java.util.List<PlayerFigure> levelPlayers)
        Gets the winner of the last game.
        levelPlayers - The list of figures in the level.
        The last games winner.
      • getOptions

        public Options getOptions()
        Gets the Options (from the GameInfo).
        The options.
      • getGameInfoFileName

        public java.lang.String getGameInfoFileName()
        Gets the name of the GameInfo-Inifile.
        The name of the GameInfo-Inifile.
      • getGameInfo

        public GameInfo getGameInfo()
        Gets the GameInfo.
        The GameInfo.
      • displayMessage

        public void displayMessage​(java.lang.String msg,
                                   int duration,
                                   MessagePosition pos,
                                   int c,
                                   FontSize size)
        Displays a message by calling controllers displayMessage.
        msg - The message
        duration - The duration
        pos - The position
        c - The color
        size - The text size
      • getField

        public Field getField()
        Gets the field of the current level.
        The current levels field. Might be null during Level flash!
      • getPlayerCount

        public int getPlayerCount()
        Returns the number of players.
        The number of players.
      • getEnemyCount

        public int getEnemyCount()
        Returns the number of enemies in the current level.
        The number of enemies.
      • getLevelCount

        public int getLevelCount()
        Returns the number of the current level. First level is 0.
        The number of the current level
      • getCurrentLevelInfo

        public AbstractLevelInfo getCurrentLevelInfo()
        Gets the Info for the currently selected level (or shop or FlashAnimation).
        The current level info.
      • getHeatFactor

        public double getHeatFactor()
        Gets a factor for heat gain modification depending on heat options.
        A factor for heat gains.
      • getEffects

        public Effects getEffects()
        Gets the Point effects reference.
        The game effects.
      • getBonusManager

        public BonusManager getBonusManager()
        Gets the BonusManager.
        The BonusManager.
      • getDefaultExplosionRadius

        public int getDefaultExplosionRadius​(int c)
        Returns the default radius, an explosion has on the different colors. Returns 4 for very dark blue, 3 for dark blue, 2 for blue, 1 for light dark blue, -1 for any other color
        c - The color to get the explosion radius for
        The radius in points. Goes well with explosion methods in Effects class.
      • isBackgroundFlickering

        public boolean isBackgroundFlickering()
        Checks, if the backgroud is flickering due to orange point entered.
        true, if the backgroud is flickering.
      • getGameMode

        public GameMode getGameMode()
        Gets ana immutable current game state e.g. for painting purposes. This state is updated after each sequence of a game round and contains an immutable copy of all paint relevant information.
        The current state.
      • isShowingFigureVisisbility

        public boolean isShowingFigureVisisbility()
        Checks, if the visibility display in the player panel should be shown.
        true during Replay or running level.
      • getLevel

        public Level getLevel()
        Gets the current level
        The current level.
      • getMessage

        public java.lang.String getMessage()
        Gets the current message, the game displays.
        The current game message
      • getMessageColor

        public int getMessageColor()
        Gets the current message color for the message the game displays.
        The current game message color
      • isGameOver

        public boolean isGameOver()
        Checks, if the state is GameOver.
        true , if the state is GameOver.
      • isGameFinished

        public boolean isGameFinished()
        Checks, if the game has finished.
        true , if the state is Finished.
      • hideGameMessage

        public void hideGameMessage()
        Sets the game message to null.
      • registerThingMove

        public void registerThingMove​(Thing t,
                                      Point target)
        Registers an item request for movement. Call this method if an item wants to move during item usage (Item.beUsed) or field update (Item.performFieldUpdate).
        t - The thing.
        target - The target point.
      • requestThingMoves

        protected java.util.Map<Thing,​Point> requestThingMoves()
        Returns the map of figure requests for movement and clear the list for next round.
        Map of move requests.
      • update

        public void update()
        Updates the game. Must be called by the application during game frequently to update the game.
      • informReplayer

        protected void informReplayer​(GameState currentState)
        Update the replayer with the current game state.
      • gameFinishAnimation

        protected void gameFinishAnimation()
        Performs the game finished animation.
      • startGame

        protected void startGame()
        Starts the game. Switches to the next level and sets mode to LevelText.
      • findPreviousFlashAnimationInfo

        protected FlashAnimationInfo findPreviousFlashAnimationInfo()
        Finds the FlashAnimationInfo before the currently selected level.
        The FlashAnimationInfo before the currently selected level.
      • quitReplay

        public void quitReplay()
        Quits the replay mode.
      • skipIntoGame

        public void skipIntoGame​(int levelCount,
                                 FlashAnimationInfo init,
                                 boolean startWithFastFlash)
        Starts a game with the given FlashAnimationInfo.
        levelCount - The level index before the first level to play.
        init - The flash animation used for player adjustment.
        startWithFastFlash - Flag, if game starts with a fast flash, with level intro if false.
      • adjustPlayerForLevel

        protected void adjustPlayerForLevel​(FlashAnimationInfo fai)
        Adds items, energy and screenitems to the player figures, depending on the current level.
        fai - The FlashAnimationInfo before the level skipped to.
      • switchToNextLevel

        protected boolean switchToNextLevel()
        Switches to the next level. If the last level has been reached, currentLevel is set to null and false is returned
        true, if there is a next level.
      • switchToLevelIntro

        protected void switchToLevelIntro()
        Switches to mode LevelIntro. Sets the game message to the Level intro text ("Enter Level x!").
      • startLevelOver

        protected void startLevelOver()
        Starts the level over sequence.
      • determineLevelOverMessages

        protected void determineLevelOverMessages​(boolean gotExtraLife,
                                                  BonusDescriptor bd)
        Creates the list of messages to display after level is over.
        gotExtraLife - Flag, if the level winner got an extra live.
        bd - The BonusDescriptor to fill.
      • getLevelFinishedText

        protected java.lang.String getLevelFinishedText()
        Gets the Level finished text, if no human player has won.
        "Level finished!"
      • switchLevelAfterLevelOver

        protected void switchLevelAfterLevelOver()
        Switches to the next levels flash effect after all level over messages are shown. Determines whether to show replay first. Otherwise, either the next level is initialized, or the game finish animation is started, if the last level is over.
      • clearLevelItems

        protected void clearLevelItems()
        Calls the onLevelFinishedMethod for all items on the field.
      • startReplay

        public void startReplay()
        Starts the replay mode.
      • isSteppingToNextLevel

        protected boolean isSteppingToNextLevel()
        Checks, if game should be switches to next level, after a level is over.
        true, if either a player won the level, or if player count is 0, or if level.stepToNextLevel() returns true.
      • startGameFinishedFlash

        protected void startGameFinishedFlash()
        Starts the routine after a player has finished the complete game.
      • giveExtraLives

        protected boolean giveExtraLives​(Figure figure,
                                         long oldPoints)
        Checks, if the figure retrieves extra lives after adding the last levels points.
        figure - The figure to check
        oldPoints - The figures point sum before finishing the last level.
        true, if the figure got an extra life.
      • onBeforeSave

        public void onBeforeSave()
        Waits for a current update cycle to finish.
      • onAfterSave

        public void onAfterSave()
        Called by controller after saving is completed. Resets the isSaveRequested-flag to no longer prevent updating.
      • onAfterLoad

        public void onAfterLoad()
        Resets the update flag.
      • replay

        protected void replay()
        Performs the replay.
      • stepToNextLevel

        protected void stepToNextLevel()
        Steps to the next level, after flash fade out field or end of shop or flash animation. Reinitializes the player figures. Switches either to flash to next level, shop or FlashAnimation.
      • currentLevelHasFlashAnimation

        protected boolean currentLevelHasFlashAnimation()
        Checks, if the current level has a flash animation.
        true, if the current level has a flash animation.
      • getFlashAnimationSound

        protected java.lang.String getFlashAnimationSound()
        Retrieves the sound from the next level for flash animation.
        The next levels sound if existing, otherwise the current levels sound, or "flashLevel" as fallback.
      • finishFlashAnimation

        protected void finishFlashAnimation()
        Finishes a flash animation and switches to FlashToNext.
      • getFlashAnimationIndex

        public int getFlashAnimationIndex()
        Gets the current flash animation index.
        The flash animation index.
      • isShowingFlashAnimation

        public boolean isShowingFlashAnimation()
        Checks, if a flash animation is running.
        true, if flash animation is running.
      • isFlashing

        public boolean isFlashing()
        Checks, if currently during flash animation.
        true, if currently during flash animation.
      • gameOver

        protected void gameOver()
        Displays winner messages etc. during mode Game over..
      • canEnterScoreList

        public boolean canEnterScoreList()
        Checks, if high score list entry is valid for this game.
        always true (originally only in a one player game).
      • determineNextExtraLifeCount

        public static long determineNextExtraLifeCount​(long oldPointSum)
        Determines the next point count, at which this figure gets an extra life.
        oldPointSum - The point score. The next highest extra point sum is serached.
        The point sum for the next extra life.
      • setController

        public void setController​(StarpointController controller)
        Sets the context for this game (necessary after game deserialization).
        controller - the context.
      • getTiming

        public int getTiming()
        Gets the update time (in ms) for the current game mode, after which the next update should be called.
        The frequence in ms, after which the next update-call should be done.
      • skip

        public void skip()
        Handles skip requests during level over etc.
      • getReplayTiming

        public int getReplayTiming()
        Gets the timing during replay, depending on speed level.
        The replay timing in ms.
      • getGameTiming

        protected int getGameTiming()
        Gets the timing during game, depending on speed level.
        100 for normal speed,
      • getRoundCount

        public int getRoundCount()
        Returns the current levels round count (or the replayers during replay).
        The round count.
      • setRoundCount

        public void setRoundCount​(int roundCount)
        Sets the current levels round count.
        roundCount - The new round count.
      • getPlayers

        public java.util.List<PlayerFigure> getPlayers()
        Gets the list of player figures in the game.
        The list of player figures in the game.
      • getLevelEnemies

        public java.util.List<Figure> getLevelEnemies()
        Gets the list of enemies in the current level.
        The list of enemies in the current level.
      • isShowingReplay

        public boolean isShowingReplay()
        Checks, if replay is running.
        state == GameState.Replay
      • getAnimationInfo

        public AnimationInfo getAnimationInfo()
        Gets the current AnimationInfo. Returns the game routine gameAnimation during game, the replayeers during replay and this games animation during other game states.
        The animation Info
      • allAlive

        protected boolean allAlive()
        Checks, if any human player has lost all his or her lives.
        true, if all human players are still alive.
      • getController

        public StarpointController getController()
        Gets the game context.
        The gme context.
      • getShop

        public Shop getShop()
        Gets the shop.
        The Shop.
      • initializeShop

        protected Shop initializeShop​(ShopInfo si)
        (Re-)Initializes the shop with the given ShopInfo.
        si - The ShopInfo.
        The Shop.
      • initializeFlashAnimationInfo

        protected void initializeFlashAnimationInfo​(FlashAnimationInfo currentLevelInfo2)
        Initializes the flash animation with the given FlashAnimationInfo.
        currentLevelInfo2 - The FlashAnimationInfo.
      • createState

        public GameState createState()
        Creates a GameState object representing the current state of the game.
        The GameState.
      • fillGameState

        protected void fillGameState​(GameState gs)
        gs -
      • createGameStateReplay

        protected GameState createGameStateReplay()
      • getInitialFlashInformation

        public FlashAnimationInfo getInitialFlashInformation()
        Gets the Level Sets first flash info.
        An initial FlashAnimationInfo.
      • getSoundFx

        public SoundFx getSoundFx()
        Gets the SoundFx.
        The Sound fx.
      • setState

        protected void setState​(GameMode state)
        Sets the game state
        state - The new state
      • getReplayer

        public Replayer getReplayer()
        Gets the replayer.
        The replayer.
      • createItem

        public Item createItem​(ItemInfo ii)
        Creates an item for the given ItemInfo with the given energy and maxenergy.
        ii - The ItemInfo specifying the items class and energy.
        The item.
      • createItem

        public Item createItem​(java.lang.String className)
        Creates an item for the given ItemClass.
        className - The items classname. Might be fully qualified classname or any simple classname for items from package
        An item for the given class
      • getMaxStartLevel

        public int getMaxStartLevel()
        Gets the max. level a player might start at. Default is -1 for no free levels. If MaxStartLevel is set to a level lower than the first level entry, game starts directly at level 1, otherwise with level selection.
        The Max. start level.
      • setMaxStartLevel

        public void setMaxStartLevel​(int maxStartLevel)
        Sets the max. level a player might start at. Default is -1 for no free levels. If MaxStartLevel is set to a level lower than the first level entry, game starts directly at level 1, otherwise with level selection.
        maxStartLevel - The Max. start level.
      • selectPreviousLevel

        public void selectPreviousLevel()
        Steps back to the previous level during LevelSelection.
      • getSelectedLevel

        public int getSelectedLevel()
      • selectNextLevel

        public void selectNextLevel()
        Steps fore to the previous level during LevelSelection.
      • finishLevelSelection

        public void finishLevelSelection()
        Finishes LevelSelection.
      • getLastWinner

        public Figure getLastWinner()
        Returns the last levels winner.
        the lastWinner
      • getLastBonus

        public BonusDescriptor getLastBonus()
        Returns the current levels winners bonus during level over sequence.
        the lastBonus
      • getStartLevel

        public int getStartLevel()
        the startLevel
      • getLevelSet

        public LevelSet getLevelSet()
        Returns the games level set.
        The LevelSet.
      • getFlashAnimationInfos

        public java.util.LinkedList<FlashAnimationInfo> getFlashAnimationInfos()
        Gets the list of FlashAnimationInfos of the level set.
        The FlashAnimationInfos
      • getCurrentState

        public GameState getCurrentState()
        the currentState
      • isLevelOver

        public boolean isLevelOver()
        Checks, if this level is over.
        Return value of level.isLevelOver().