Class PainterItemSecretLevel

  • public class PainterItemSecretLevel
    extends PainterItem
    Paints an ItemSecretLevel. When active (or in editor) circling light dots are painted.
    • Field Detail

      • factor

        protected double factor
        Scaling factor for the active overlay image. 1 as default.
      • color

        protected int color
        Circle color.
    • Constructor Detail

      • PainterItemSecretLevel

        public PainterItemSecretLevel​(PainterFactory painterFactory)
        Creates a new PainterItemBigMine.
        painterFactory - The factory.
    • Method Detail

      • paint

        public void paint​(Graphics g,
                          ThingState t,
                          GameState state,
                          int xCenter,
                          int yCenter,
                          int repaintCounter)
        Paints the item.
        paint in class PainterItem
        g - The graphics to paint on
        t - The thing.
        state - GameState.
        xCenter - The x coordinate
        yCenter - The y coordinate
        repaintCounter - The repaint counter.